I've been following the debates today by the Senate and the House to pass a resolution that gives Pres. Bush the backing of Congress to use military force to eliminate Saddam Hussain and his regime from power...Its been a great debate and while I can understand both sides point of views the one thing that bugs the hell out of me is the hypocrisy of most Democrats...Democrats keep arguing that the US should exhaust every possible option other than war prior to an unilateral attack on Iraq...Democrats keep saying that the US must go thru the United Nations first and get the United Nations to agree that a war against Iraq is the only option available...Lemme see, have we not been exhausting every possible avenue of peace for the past 10 years trying to get Iraq to comply with the 16+ resolutions passed after Desert Storm...Has the United Nations shown any sac to enforce the resolutions its passed over the past decade...What has the United Nations done in the past 10 years that shows any resolve that when a resolution is passed then it better be adhered too...
In 1998 a replubican controlled congress overwhelmingly supported Bill Clinton to use military force against Iraq because weapons inspectors were kicked out for good...The DEMOCRATS were all for punishing Hussain and didn't even try to make excuses for why CLINTON shouldn't attack Iraq...Both the Senate and House passed a resolution without any ammendments in ONE DAY giving CLINTON complete bi-partisan support to do whatever it took to force Iraq to abide by the United Nations resolutions...
Here we are four years later and a Republican president is begging Congress to pass a resolution so that Bush can deal with Iraq and now the Democrats are stalling for ammendments and re-wording of such a resolution that Bush must go thru and get the support of the UN and that no military strikes or a declaration of war against Iraq will be made until Bush declares that Iraq poses an immenent threat to the USA...
WTF has changed in four years that makes the Democrats not willing to kick Hussains ass today, but four years ago it was GUNG HO for Clinton to finish what Bush Sr. had started...The same arguments could have been made back in 1998 as to why we shouldn't attack Iraq but since a DEMOCRAT was president all the democrats bit their tongue and the republicans wanted to show the world that the US congress was behind Clinton 100% so in one bizness day on Capitol Hill Bill Clinton had his resolution and full support of both Demo's and Rep's...
The message that is being sent today to the world is a mixed message which only benefits Saddam Hussain cuz the Democrats have to sing a different song four years later because they realize that if Bush does goto war with Iraq and kicks their butt and Saddam is gone from power that there's no way in hell they have a chance to beat Bush Jr. in the next presidential election...
This is politics playing the American people for fools cuz 4 years ago if Clinton would have followed thru on his attack on Iraq and won then Gore would be president and the hypo-demo-crits wouldn't be putting up such a fight right now...
In 1998 a replubican controlled congress overwhelmingly supported Bill Clinton to use military force against Iraq because weapons inspectors were kicked out for good...The DEMOCRATS were all for punishing Hussain and didn't even try to make excuses for why CLINTON shouldn't attack Iraq...Both the Senate and House passed a resolution without any ammendments in ONE DAY giving CLINTON complete bi-partisan support to do whatever it took to force Iraq to abide by the United Nations resolutions...
Here we are four years later and a Republican president is begging Congress to pass a resolution so that Bush can deal with Iraq and now the Democrats are stalling for ammendments and re-wording of such a resolution that Bush must go thru and get the support of the UN and that no military strikes or a declaration of war against Iraq will be made until Bush declares that Iraq poses an immenent threat to the USA...
WTF has changed in four years that makes the Democrats not willing to kick Hussains ass today, but four years ago it was GUNG HO for Clinton to finish what Bush Sr. had started...The same arguments could have been made back in 1998 as to why we shouldn't attack Iraq but since a DEMOCRAT was president all the democrats bit their tongue and the republicans wanted to show the world that the US congress was behind Clinton 100% so in one bizness day on Capitol Hill Bill Clinton had his resolution and full support of both Demo's and Rep's...
The message that is being sent today to the world is a mixed message which only benefits Saddam Hussain cuz the Democrats have to sing a different song four years later because they realize that if Bush does goto war with Iraq and kicks their butt and Saddam is gone from power that there's no way in hell they have a chance to beat Bush Jr. in the next presidential election...
This is politics playing the American people for fools cuz 4 years ago if Clinton would have followed thru on his attack on Iraq and won then Gore would be president and the hypo-demo-crits wouldn't be putting up such a fight right now...