i'm sure i could

Wanna bet? ;)

(Hmmm...two of the women I like the most right here in the same thread? It's like my birthday!!)
JazzManJim said:
Wanna bet? ;)

(Hmmm...two of the women I like the most right here in the same thread? It's like my birthday!!)

:kiss: 's you sweetheart!

Double the pressies? ;-)
k¡tty said:
I'm in a terrific mood for some reason. :)

How are you sugarplum?

I had a real shitty day at work yesterday, today is a good day.

*still waiting on nekkid pics* ;-)
HeavyStick said:
I had a real shitty day at work yesterday, today is a good day.

*still waiting on nekkid pics* ;-)

I'm glad that today is bettery than yesterday.. sometimes just one bad day can ruin the entire week.

*still wondering why anyone would want to see them*
JazzManJim said:

Just more fun for me and I have all sorts of ways of showing my thanks. ;)

I have no doubts about that Jimmie. ;-)
k¡tty said:
I'm glad that today is bettery than yesterday.. sometimes just one bad day can ruin the entire week.

*still wondering why anyone would want to see them*

bettery? You have plans of me and butter? hopefully the week ends ok.

*cause I wanna perv on them*
HeavyStick said:
bettery? You have plans of me and butter? hopefully the week ends ok.

*cause I wanna perv on them*

Yeah pick on the girl who can't type worth a hoot today. ;-P
But I'm so impatient. :D

So are you saying that I have been, Heavy? ;-)