And i wanted to wish all of you that are celebrating Thanksgiving a happy one. May you all be blessed with nothing but the best warm wishes and love. Take Care!
I just made it in from a wonderful day of Thanksgiving bliss! And i think im gonna need to be rolled around for atleast the next week! Everything turned out wonderful, and everything tasted wonderful! I rememember why i love this time of year so much! I hope everyone's day was as wonderful as mine. And that you got to spend it with the people that are most important in your life. If you ever feel like you have "nothing" just remember this day, the day of giving.
Atleast now when im sitting miserable tommorrow i can think back to this convo. and know im not alone!!! Suddenly i don' t feel so bad! I am however off for the night. 4am is a sin to get up to!
~Laughing~ I did just as i said i would! I was miserable! We had 2 stops to make, after the first one there was no way in hell i could eat at the second. I kinda felt bad but was like OH HELL NO!! I couldn't breath as it was!! So i was good and didn't touch anymore turkey!!! Even though now today i was kinda wishing i ahd some turkey and dressing in the fridge cause im craving it in a bad way!! I love Thanksgiving and Christmas, OK OK i just love the turkey, ham , dressing and cranberry sauce!! Atleast i admit it! I do have the stuffing in my freezer that my mother inlaw made for me! All i have to do it stick it in the oven. ( which im gonna do tommorrow and ill by some cranberry sauce! Hell who am i kidding i dont even want the turkey and ham , just gimme stuffing! Sheesh im so bad! I do hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving like i had!