I'm making beetroot floats

Just when you thought England was the grossest place on earth, the people that are too gross for them are sent away to colonize Australia.
Just when you thought England was the grossest place on earth, the people that are too gross for them are sent away to colonize Australia.

Fuck off!
No self-respecting okka eats beetroot unless it's on a burger.

Yeah! Give it to me!

They kinda are, though.

You had freemen, so did we.
You brought slaves, we brougt convicts.
You fucked up the Native Americans, we fucked up the Aborigines.
In which way are we NOT the same?

Apart from the fact that you drink your beetroot, of course.
You had freemen, so did we.
You brought slaves, we brougt convicts.
You fucked up the Native Americans, we fucked up the Aborigines.
In which way are we NOT the same?

You got the people that nobody else wanted.
We had slaves, but they were wanted. They built our nation and gave us peanut butter. Your convicts got drunk and pissed themselves.

I'm beginning to think there's more than a few who may need to add Educate Myself to the resolution list.
You had freemen, so did we.
You brought slaves, we brougt convicts.
You fucked up the Native Americans, we fucked up the Aborigines.
In which way are we NOT the same?

You drink and fight more than Americans. (Which is saying a lot.)

The destruction of Darwin by a cyclone in 1974 was actually a cover story for a regrettable coincidence of paydays on three separate sheep stations. ;)
You drink and fight more than Americans. (Which is saying a lot.)

The destruction of Darwin by a cyclone in 1974 was actually a cover story for a regrettable coincidence of paydays on three separate sheep stations. ;)

A foreigner who gets it.