I'm Brand New

You've got 29 more posts before you bust your cherry, so get to it! :D

Things are interesting here.
That's for sure.
Welcome to Lit. Before you begin, you must explain exactly which poster you are another incarnation of - trying to keep it all straight is just so hard!

Oh, and don't take anything too seriously or you'll go insane within days.
lol thanks for the advice.

No incarnation of anyone except maybe groucho marks (raises eyebrows) .....

Oh and i notice you have quite a nice picture there ....... 2 part question is it you and is it exceptable for me to put a pic of my cock on mine?

I'm rather proud of it :)
KingDingaling said:
lol thanks for the advice.

No incarnation of anyone except maybe groucho marks (raises eyebrows) .....

Oh and i notice you have quite a nice picture there ....... 2 part question is it you and is it exceptable for me to put a pic of my cock on mine?

I'm rather proud of it :)

Yes, and yes. But you have to have 100 posts before you can get an AV (the picture under your name). The women like cocks around here, but some of the guys get a bit testy at them, so be warned.

And spelling buddy says: Acceptable. :)
lol i'm sorry i didn't decide to start posting here sooner ..... i've been reading the stories for a year or so now ....... but just getting around to registering and posting message.
Hi, and welcome to lit.

Here's my standard, WTL information. Use what you can, feel free to ignore the rest.

After 30 posts, you lose that virgin tag.
After 100 posts, you can have an avatar of your own. There are at least 50 threads if you need help finding one.
After 1000 posts, you can create your own title.

This thread has some information you should read http://www.literotica.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=50634 The first post is frequently updated so you’ll know the latest info.

Also, please look at the following thread about one of the more prolific imposters here http://www.literotica.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=97398

This thread has a few things that can help us ALL enjoy lit more.


Sometime within your first day here, you’ll see a post about Magic. Magic is the unofficial Lit pubic hair remover. Thanks to our very own Cheyenne, we have thrown razors away. Here’s a couple of links to useful threads.



Lit Annon meetings are on Thursdays at 9 pm. If you ever feel the need to attend, please report back to us and let us know what happens there. There are some of us curious about the proceedings but we haven't been able to stop posting long enough to attend. :D
morninggirl5 said:
Not really, you'll have 100, 1000 before you know it.

It took me seven months to hit 1K.

But then again, I usually only post when I have something to say.
Star of Penumbra said:
It took me seven months to hit 1K.

But then again, I usually only post when I have something to say.

Definitely the exception rather than the rule, especially recently.

There are people who registered the same time you did with 10.000 posts.

Unbelievable, but when i registered and hit 1000 in a month, that was considered fast. Now if it takes more than a month, it's exceptional.

My rambling isn't making much sense. OH well.
Hiya. Welcome to the Insane Asylum. I hate to tell you this but you are going to wish you never started posting. If you were addicted to this site before...well, you aint seen nuthin yet.

Welcome, KingD. You're a cutie. Can hardly wait until you get an av so we can see the lower half of you! lol!

Hi, welcome :)

Nice shoes...er nice pic, and your nickname is cool.

*edited for improper use of the word cute