Illicit Affair (closed for Sanna)


Literotica Guru
Feb 8, 2018
For months now, I had been growing more and more suspicious that my wife was cheating on me. I had yet to find any real proof, of course, but the signs were all there. Late nights at “work” had become far more frequent, as had her “girls nights.” I had been ever the devoted husband, almost always coming home from straight from work, my paycheck providing well for her. Her job paid her maybe a third of what I made, but the things I wanted were often relegated to “later” while her desires were always promptly met.

The way she treated me in the bedroom had changed as well. She was distant and distracted; while she was always willing to spread her legs for me, the chemistry we had once enjoyed was long gone. At first I had figured that was just what happened when two people had been married for some 15 years, but now I wasn’t so certain. My sex drive had always been quite high. Overactive, really.

I began to wonder if it was my fault she was getting so distant. If my sexual desires had just gotten to be too much over the years.

To make matters worse, there were rumors spreading around the jobsite that she was cheating on me. This of course made me wonder if she was actually screwing someone I was working with, as I had certainly not revealed my concerns to anyone; I was generally a very private person. More likely the source of the rumor was Dan Harris. He had been a constant thorn in my side since the start of the job. We had been paired up together, and he was fucking useless. I was a welder, and he was supposed to be my “helper.” He was lazy and incompetent, but his uncle was a vice president in this company. I had made it very clear to the foreman that I couldn’t work with Dan anymore, but apparently no one else would work with him either. My only option was to just quit.

There was also a thorny little issue that had come up a few weeks ago. After work on a Friday, the crew had gone to a local tavern to have a little send off for one of the older guys who was retiring. It was his last day on the job. We had all had a few beers at this point, and I had spotted a gorgeous, curvy blonde sitting at the bar, looking rather bored, and had started in on chatting her up a bit. I even bought her a drink, and just as I had her really giggling, Dan had stepped in and it turned out that the blonde, Sanna, was actually his wife. How a dipshit like him had scored a hottie like her, I had no idea. Regardless, that episode had definitely made things a little more tense between us, as he had taken the “offense” quite personally.

Sanna had left quite the impression on me. Her curves were perfect, her hint of cleavage promising an abundance of flesh. She had the kind of lips that, quite frankly, belonged around my cock. I couldn’t stop thinking about her. I wondered if Dan would bring her to the upcoming company holiday Christmas party.

When my wife informed me that she and “the girls” were headed to Las Vegas for the weekend, I assumed the worst, and really that was the point I stopped giving a flying fuck about my marriage. I could tell she was full of shit.

My marriage was over. I didn’t even care at this point. But I was going to do what I wanted for myself, for the first time in a long time. I sent messages to a few guys that I knew had “connections” and by the end of the night, after a trip to the ATM and driving around town, I had a pretty good stash of illicit substances hidden away for future consumption. It had been a very long time since I had consumed any mind-altering substance besides alcohol, and now that I was closing in on forty years old, this seemed like as good a time as any.

I did smoke a little bit of the weed on my way the party. This company Christmas party was going to be very interesting indeed... I wondered again if Sanna would be there. I longed to hear her voice again; she had a unique accent that I had never encountered before. I had very much enjoyed talking to her, and the thought occurred to me that we could easily have a lot of fun together, in the right circumstances.

The party was being held one of the bigger saloons in town. It was in an old building downtown, and was kind of sprawling in a way. There was a big dining room just for the party, but the pool tables were in one part of the building, dart boards in another, as well as a couple of other dining rooms, and the rest of the saloon was open to the public. Being the weekend before the actual holiday, the place was packed with people. College students back home for Christmas. Older professionals blowing off steam from end of year deadlines. Construction workers eager to party with holiday bonus checks in their pockets.

It was loud. The people were loud, the music was loud. I had spotted Dan across the room, but no sign of his wife. Maybe he got smart, and didn’t bring her to the company Christmas party. I doubted it. He liked to show off that he had a hot wife. I remembered the looks she had given me. There had been a spark of... something. I made my way through the bar. She had to be here somewhere.
I hadn’t danced like this in a long time. Before Dan and I met eight years ago, I used to go dancing in clubs all the time, me and my girlfriends. It wasn’t to meet guys necessarily, I loved the hard rhythms and the buzz of the bass that would send tingles down my spine and my thighs, I loved the heat, the moving bodies, the strobes, and the getting lost in the moment. I realized now how much I’d missed it. It wasn’t often - if ever - that I could get that carefree feeling of living in the moment nowadays. The bass electrifying me and the rush of getting male attention didn’t hurt either. And oh my, such dirty lyrics to this song..!

Dan didn’t dance. Ironically we had actually first met at a club but he was with his friends and we had started talking at the bar. I had tried to pull him on to the dancefloor but he had resisted, even when I teased him for being a bore. I’d found it charming at the time, like he was ‘too cool for school’ or something- now I just found it.. boring. Well, truthfully I was relieved he’d left me to my own devices. I had absolutely no desire to spend time listening to his tedious colleagues. Out here on the crowded dancefloor I was out of reach from them.

I saw Dan at a distance now, with a beer in his hand talking to some guy. It struck me how much I loved him, we had had eight fantastic years in many ways. We had a lot in common, we’d travelled the world and had a nice circle of friends we enjoyed spending time with. If only... My thought trailed off as a frequence in the bassline vibrated through me reaching a place that made me full of desire and naughtiness. If only... Fuck. We had tried. But the last couple of years it had become that dreaded routine. Why couldn’t Dan just.. liberate himself? Take charge? Just.. FUCK me..?

Oh well. Something all relationships go through, I’d convinced myself. But it had irritated me a lot when I’d dressed up for the evening.

“It’s not a nightclub, darling..”
Dan looked at me as he buttoned his shirt.
“There’s gonna be a dancefloor, right? I wanna dance. It’s been ages.. Now be a good boy and zip me..”

I turned my back to him and he pulled the zipper from the small of my back up to my neck. I felt the blue material tighten round me. Dan had already told me it was too short and tight. Honestly, it probably was. It was even a size too small, but I hadn’t told him that. It had been a mistake at the boutique, but trying it on at home, seeing my big butt in a dress too small had somehow.. appealed to me. It wasn’t my style really, but what the hell. Why not??

“Just don’t sit down. The whole place will see your ...” He kissed my neck.

“My what? My pussy? Is that what you were going to say..?”

I laughed at him. He was so prude. I was too, but not as bad as him....

Oh. Look there. Isn’t that..? God, what was his name? I couldn’t remember.. He was as handsome as that one time we’d met a while back at some stupid thing Dan’s company had organised, a meet and greet the family. He’d come over and chatted, he was very nice and polite and.. Hot. No need to deny that. Maybe not my type maybe.. but why was I even thinking about it??

Dan had told me shit about him after. That’s probably why he’d stuck in my mind and why I instantly recognised him now. Dan had said that his wife cheated on him, called him ‘an arrogant bastard’, and it was only right his wife was unfaithful, made it out to sound like this guy harassed him at work, like a bully or something. It had surprised me, as he’d been so good-natured when speaking to me. A little flirty yeah sure... but...

He saw me. I smiled and waved, instantly regretting it. I looked over to see if Dan was watching, knowing he would get all sulky and moody if he knew I was even talking to his ‘bully’ here. But Dan wasn’t around. I looked at the guy again, and he was still looking at me. I decided it was a good time for a break and a drink anyway so I made my way over to him.

“Hi! Im so sorry, I don’t remember your name. I’m Sanna, we met at that thing..?”

I stretched out my hand and saw into his brown eyes and felt his big, powerful hand envelope mine.
When I spotted her, she was on the dance floor. A dozen times already this evening, I had seen a swirl of blonde hair and hoped it was her, but it never was... and then there she was. I saw her for just a second, out in the crowded, small dance floor. Her blue dress hugged her curvy form and she looked absolutely stunning.

(Sanna in her blue dress, although it’s not so transparent!)

Jealousy raged up inside me that a worthless piece of shit like Dan would be going home with such a sexy bitch. I lost sight of her, but found a nearby open seat at the bar, ordered a beer, and kept an eye out for her again.

Soon enough, I saw her again. God but the woman could move to the beat! I couldn’t help but wonder if her body moved so well while riding dick. It was tempting to make my way out there. I was certain there was no way Dan would see us, as he was elsewhere in the building. Our eyes locked and she waved at me and then she was heading over. My heart skipped a beat. I couldn’t tear my eyes off her.

“Yeah, that’s right, I’m Tommy,” I replied, gripping her offered hand firmly. “Sanna? That’s an interesting name,” I mused. “What are you drinking?” I asked, just before finishing my beer and waving for the barmaid to come over.
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“Ah yes of course... Tommy...” He let go of my hand and our eyes locked maybe a second too long. Or maybe I was just being wary.

“I would love a gin and tonic, please...” I smiled and continued: “Well yeah it’s swedish actually. I’ve lived here for 15 years..”

I took the glass from the bar and tasted the GT. It tasted great so I took another sip. When I first moved to the U.S i’d had a bit of a drinking problem. I mean I didn’t get wasted all that often, I just enjoyed alcohol a bit too much. It even affected my studies negatively so I started to take it easy. With Dan I’d been fairly sober most of the time. He didn’t drink much and didn’t like me drinking either, but tonight I’d decided i’d let my hair down and have at least a little bit of fun.

Tommy - he struck me instantly as a guy who liked to have fun. I probably should be a bit careful.
“Swedish, eh?” I said with a smirk, leaning back to look her up and down as I took a swig of my beer. I was obviously checking her out and had no interest in hiding it. I could tell she was the kind of girl that enjoyed the attention.

“Are all the girls in Sweden as hot as you? I’m gonna have to get my passport renewed,” I chuckled. I took another drink, although I was definitely pacing myself with the alcohol tonight. Of course, I could hold my liquor quite well, but I was also eager to try some of the other substances I had acquired earlier, and I had to wonder if Sanna would be interested in partaking. That was always a hard read to get on people, and I couldn’t just straight up offer her cocaine!

Recent legalization of marijuana, however, had certainly made that more socially acceptable lately. Smoking cigarettes was banned inside the bar, but they did have a patio out back for smokers, and it would be easy enough to sneak a few tokes out there without anyone noticing anything out of the ordinary, especially since I had a special vape-pen filled with a marijuana extract.

“Fancy a quick little smoke and toke?” I leaned in close and asked her conspiratorially.
No one had looked at me that way in ages. Or referred to me as hot. Not this kind of guy, at least. And the cheek of it.. Tommy knew I was Dan’s wife, still he... Maybe Dan was right about the arrogance.

“Haha.. no not all swedes. Just the blonde ones!” I giggled at my own bad joke and felt silly. God, his eyes on my ass.. in this dress.. Stop it.. please.. I felt embarrassed. When Tommy offered me a smoke, and realizing naively a few seconds too late he meant something else than tobacco, I just nodded. Yes, why the fuck not? I hadn’t done it in ten years - to be honest it wasn’t my drug of choice (what the hell am I saying - I don’t have a drug of choice! But I had tried two lines of coke at Uni and had enjoyed the rush a bit too much, swearing I would never try it again..), but I just felt like tagging along wirh this fascinating Tommy guy.
She nodded along at my suggestion, confirming my hopes, and I stood up from my barstool to guide her outside. My hand possessively found the small of her back as we made our way through the crowd towards the bar’s back door.

The back patio “smoking area” barely qualified as being “outside,” according to the law, as it was fully covered but had large mesh windows surrounding it and big fans lazily rotating to pull the smoke up towards the ventilation system. It was crowded as well, but heated and we were able to find a couple of seats at a table in the corner. I lit a cigarette, nasty habit I know, and then pulled out the small, cylindrical vape pen. I saw her quizzical look at the device, so I quickly explained it as I handed it to her.

My large hand covered hers for a moment as I showed it to her. “Just push that little button there as you suck on it, and it will deliver a lovely hit.” I smirked. “It doesn’t even smell like weed, that’s the best part, so you can really puff on it anywhere and no one will ever be the wiser...” I took a hit off it to demonstrate, holding the potent vapor in my lungs as I handed it over to her.
I looked right and left, checking to see if my husband was around, it wouldn't look good if he saw his wife with his nemesis' hand on my back, going out to smoke.. But I couldn't see him. I guessed he was probably shooting pool or something.

The smoking area was surprisinlgy crowded, the only free seats were two stools by a high, round table. Perched on it and crossing my bare legs I felt my dress slide up my thighs and I immediately attempted to pull it down. Dan had maybe been right about what it revealed.. Awkwardly I took the vape pen from his hand after listening to his instructions, happy to hear it wouldn't smell. Reeking of weed when I met up with Dan later would be a hassle.

I coughed lightly at the first hit, mainly because it was just so long ago I inhaled anything at all. The second hit felt surprisingly soft and mild, and the effect was almost instant. I looked at Tommy, who was smiling, obviously waiting for my reaction to it. Such a naughty boy, wasn't he..? I'd always steered clear from bad boys, as the always equaled bad news. I'd chosen the safer bets. It was probably because of my upbringing, making wise and well-informed choices and playing it slow and safe. It had started to irritate me that I was so... predictable.

The light-headedness made me hold on to the table for a moment, laughing. Tommy laughed too. Then I felt a slight tingling and a strange sensation of my nervous system slowing down. Hm.. It was nice. The crowd around me came out of focus, I looked intently at Tommy.

"Yeah... not bad.. haha...!"

I took one more hit. "But that's fine.. I think.. thanks..." I handed back the pen, and felt my phone buzz in my purse. It was a text from Dan.

Feeling nauseous. Probably the fucking seafood. Gotta go, u coming?

Fuck. So typical! "Tommy.. I'm sorry.. Dan's taken ill.. wants to go home.."
I took the vape pen back from Sanna and raised an eyebrow as she checked the notification on her phone. She had clearly been enjoying the sensations from the strong hits of potent marijuana she had taken, so it was a bit disconcerting to see her frown suddenly. She explained that Dan had gotten ill and she had to leave with him.

I scooted closer to her, snuffing out my cigarette in the ashtray on the table. I gave her a sly grin. “I’m sorry to hear that,” I said. “I hope he feels better.”

I really, probably, should have just let her go home with her husband. Getting her high like this was already a bad idea. I couldn’t help it, though. I wanted to be the bad guy for once. My wife was screwing around on me, after all, in Las Vegas this weekend. It was my turn to have a little fun.

My eyes glanced down and took in the image of Sanna’s long, smooth legs, the bottom of her short dress sitting high on her crossed thighs.

I leaned in close, reaching out to give her closest thigh an all-too-friendly squeeze, and winked at her as I said, “tell him you ran into an old friend, and they can give you a ride home.” I took a fresh toke off the vape pen and offered it back to her...
I took the outstretched vape pen and inhaled deep, looking at this man who had his hand on my thigh, his skin against mine. It was a friendly hand, it didn’t move up, it didn’t caress. But still... I looked down at my phone again, it was irritating Dan’s timing and I was also all too aware of his ‘nausea’. It was a classic excuse he’d used once too often and didn’t fool me much after eight years. Maybe it was the weed but... I didn’t want to go home just yet and didn’t want give in to Dan’s ‘nausea’.

Tommy winked as he gave me a good excuse. He was up to no good, this one. I could handle myself and wasn’t worried in that sense. So I returned the mischievous smile and texted my husband:

“Ok, hope u feel better soon! Look, i’m having a drink w old friends from Uni. They can drop me off home in an hour or so. Ok? Love u!”
I gave her thigh a playful squeeze when she smirked at me and I knew she was sticking around. I was tempted to glance at her phone and see just what she was telling Dan, but in my stoned state, I got distracted by Sanna’s impressive cleavage for a moment. I blinked and looked up at her pretty face and took a drink from my beer, finishing it. I noted that her drink was nearly empty as well, and flagged down a passing barmaid to request another round.

The weed in the vape pen was from a sativa strain. As such, it had a very energetic head buzz kind of high, which proved to delightfully facilitate our continued conversation. Fresh drinks were delivered. Our stools were scooted closer together, ostensibly to be able to hear each other talk as the bar patio got more crowded and louder.

It had gotten loud enough that I had to nearly speak right into her ear. I leaned in close. “What do you say we get out of here? There’s a much more relaxed bar a few miles down the road...” I suggested, my hand sliding up the outside of her thigh a bit more suggestively this time around, my eyes glancing down at her luscious cleavage once more for a moment before locking with her eyes.
His hand on my thigh felt good. Too good. The second gin & tonic and the slow buzz of the weed wasn’t helping much in way of encouraging me to move his hand away.

I even told him - or shouted at him more like it, the noise in here was getting unearable for a conversation- that he should probably not be having his hand on his colleague’s wife’s thigh, to which he just replied with a look and not budging his hand at all. I started to think about what Dan had told me about him, and if it was true he was an asshole to my husband.. What was I still doing here?

Whatever the answer, it remained unanswered as Tommy suggested we move out. I didn’t really even hear where - I just agreed.
In her defense, Sanna had mentioned something about how it might be inappropriate for me to be touching her the way I was, considering how I worked with her husband and all, but I really didn’t care and I’m sure the look I gave her gave that exact impression. She didn’t try to remove my hand, so I figured I was welcome... and then she agreed to leave the bar with me...

I dropped a twenty dollar bill on the table to cover the drinks and a tip and in short order we were out the door. I guided her to my truck, my hand low on her back once again, my fingers toying at the swell of her hips and butt as we walked.

We got to my truck and I opened the passenger door for her, smirking as I gave her butt a playful smack as she stepped up into the cab. I winked at her when she looked at me, and closed the door behind her before going around to the driver’s side.

I got in and keyed the ignition, and then looked over at her. I gave her a devious smile, handed her the marijuana vape pen, and then drove off into the night. I knew from conversations at work the general part of town where Dan and Sanna lived; I made sure to head for a tavern in the opposite direction. This, of course, took us into a shadier part of the city. I had spent the last twenty years working construction jobs all over the city, and I had a .38 revolver stashed under the driver’s seat, so I wasn’t worried about where we were headed.

I could tell, though, that Sanna was getting a little worried. I wasn’t sure if the weed was just making her paranoid or not, but I reached over and gave her thigh a friendly squeeze again. “We’re almost there, babe,” I said, and a minute later I was pulling the pick-up truck into a parking lot behind a dive bar. There was a cheap, run-down motel across the street, where some semi trucks were parked. We could see a couple ladies dressed in short skirts, low-cut tops, and cheap jewelry roaming the parking lot. “You think they’re hookers?” I pondered out loud, nodding towards them with a naughty smirk as we sat in the truck for a moment. I gave her a little wink and reached into an inside pocket of my jacket, and pulled out a handy little device.

My dealer had called it a “bullet” and had showed me how it worked. It had a cylinder that was loaded with high-grade powder cocaine. By turning it upside down and twisting the little knob, you could load up the small delivery chamber with coke and then snort it right up your nose. Simple and discrete. I loaded it up and showed it to her.

“Want a little bump of coke before we go inside?” I asked Sanna. I half expected her to be appalled, and demand to be taken home. I hoped she’d be down to continue our illicit little party, but I wouldn’t have been surprised if she scoffed at my suggestion. Her expression was one of shock. I chuckled. “I mean, if you’d rather do big fat lines instead, we can go get a room over there...” I told her.
Tommy smacked my ass as I got into his truck - and in a way it felt like it was completely appropriate. It wasn't of course, not in the least. But here I was, a woman in a little tight dress with just a thong under and nothing else apart from my white heels, getting into a truck (of all vehicles!), high on marijuana. And he'd already had his hand on my thigh so like, this was the natural step after that, a smack to my butt? Yes. Insanely enough, yes.

He had an aura about him that was different to anything I'd experienced. I wanted to ask him about his wife, if the rumours were true. Maybe I would, later on. It could be a topic of conversation at this bar we were going to. I came to realization now I would not be home within an hour or even two. We were still in his truck, driving the opposite direction from my suburb, going to an area of the city I never ever frequented. Maybe I should text Dan and tell him I would not be coming home until later?

Looking out of the window, as Tommy slowed down and turned into a parking lot, I felt a churning in my belly. This was a seedy place. I forgot about texting Dan as I saw a couple of girls so obviously prostitutes, sharing a cigarette under the neon glare of a half-broken "Motel" sign, now just reading "Ote", the H flickering and the L totally dead. I saw their heavy make-up, silicone breasts and fishnet stockings, everything colored a harsh green light from the neon. I pondered a moment over what they had done or were going to do in the motel. Dirty, filthy things. Getting used for money.

I probably wanted to express my doubts about going in to the bar he pointed out, opposite the motel. It looked even seedier, was there even a "Bar" sign? It was hard to tell because the street light was out of order..

But he had driven me here and I did want to spend some more time with him and didn't want to seem ungrateful. It was that aura again, drawing me in. He fascinated me. I wasn't sure if it was physical attraction and therefore sexual - even if he certainly had that aura about him too - I just felt interested in him. Wanted to know more. Was excited about going down a path, letting myself be led into an adventure, I guess. I was sick and tired of my dull life. I just needed.. something else. A spice. A kick. Feel... Life.

I turned to him as we sat in his truck, expecting us to get out - and heard and saw him offer me... cocaine..?? Jesus. I had an immediate flashback to university, that time at that all-night party where I'd tried it. Liked it. And decided therefore never to try it again. Tommy was a bag full of tricks. I should have guessed. Maybe it was the alchohol and the weed that tipped the scales, because after deliberating with myself for two seconds, I nodded and said:

"Fucking hell, Tommy.. haha.. no not the motel.. just give me a little here..."
I hadn’t had cocaine in almost twenty years. My dealer had offered it up, though, and I still wasn’t sure why I even bought it, other than distant memories of having enjoyed it. That was all from my hard-partying days, well before I had met my wife.

I showed Sanna how the little bullet device worked by loading the chamber up and doing the first little bump myself, snorting the powder up my nose. I felt the initial, harsh hit burn like fire in my nasal cavity, and then the numbness quickly took over, joined by euphoria and pleasure. “Oh, fuck, that’s good stuff,” I growled, quickly loading the chamber again and snorting another bump into my other nostril, and that second one really woke me up! It didn’t take much of the stuff, really, to do the trick, and I was more than ready to keep our little party going well into the night.

I loaded up the chamber again, but this time handed it over to my gorgeous blonde companion.

“You gotta give it a good hard sniff to get it all up in there,” I advised, watching her as she examined the device a little warily. “And don’t worry, there’s plenty more where that came from...”
Before I took a blast, his telling me there was plenty more just sounded crazy. Yeah, like I would want more haha.. Five minutes after the coke had entered my blood stream, it was a different story. As I said, once upon a time I had promised myself never to try it again. Now I broke that promise. And I fucking loved it. Straight off. The initial sting shook me alive and then the surge of energy through me. I copied Tommy and did another. Yes..!

I looked out of the truck window and saw the hookers, they were on the move and I saw one disappear round the corner and the other open a motel room door and go inside. The cocaine had stiffened my nipples and I also felt it affect me in other ways..

Turning to Tommy, I said: “I need a drink.. don’t you..?”
After getting those little blasts of coke up our noses, we sat in the truck for a few minutes, enjoying the rush of the illicit high. Sanna broke the silence by suggesting we go get drinks. I nodded in agreement, shut off the engine and we got out.

I took a good long look at her as she came around the front of the truck. The little dress she wore would be out of place in a dive like this; however, it was entirely possible the other patrons would think she was one of the hookers from across street. I chuckled at the thought as we walked inside.

It was dingy, smoky, and dark inside. There were maybe a dozen patrons spread throughout the joint, a few at the bar, a few at the pool table. Everyone there seemed like they had an almost dangerous edge to them. The place had good music playing through the jukebox though. One of my favorite songs.

“PBR for me, gin and tonic for the lady,” I said to the bartender when she came up to us. She looked just as grizzled as the customers. The drinks were quickly delivered and I paid the lady, and sniffed before taking a drink, getting a little remnant bit of coke from my nose up into my head for a pleasant reminder of how good the stuff was.

“How about a game of darts?” I suggested.
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The bar was the kind of place I had really only heard of, seen on TV and in movies. The blues song playing was in keeping with the place I guessed, Tommy liked it obviously but it wasn't my kind of music - not that I minded it. The bar was a place for blue-collar workers, men of the old stock. It would have been easy for me to treat the place with disdain considering where I came from and my values, but I tried not to. I don't think I did a good job.

I was feeling the buzz strongly, and wondered if it showed. The barmaid - right now the only woman in the joint - didn't seem to notice or just probably couldn't care less. I looked around at the men here.. And they looked right back. Hardly strange. What was a woman dressed like me doing in their place? I could put two and two together.. Shit.. Was I a hooker in their eyes??

Yes. Darts. Good. Good distraction. I needed to do something with my hands, sitting still and speaking with low voices I couldn't do right now.

I checked my phone - one message from Dan. I ignored it. I had other things to focus on, like how I was going to play darts in high heels! I hadn't played in ages. And I was terrible at it.
I could tell right away, just from how Sanna looked around the place, that she was a bit uncomfortable. I smirked. Watching her squirm a bit was kind of fun. We both knew she didn’t belong here.

I could feel the eyes watching her, which was exactly why I had brought her here. With a curvaceous body like hers, wearing a tight little dress like that, this bitch obviously liked a certain kind of attention.

I placed my beer on the table near the dart boards. “So, how does a gorgeous Swedish woman wind up in a town like this?” I asked her as I tossed the first round of darts at the board. “Surely, St Louis has got to be boring the hell out of you.”
I looked on as his darts hit the board. There was nothing else going on in the place, the guys were just sitting round. Naturally, they watched the only woman there. It was either that, stare at some replay of a hockey match on a single screen or at each other. The choice was easy. I could feel their eyes on me behind my back.

"I moved to L.A when I was 22.. I had studied political science at university back in Sweden and got a chance to do a year at UCLA.. But I stayed.."

I took the three darts from his hand as he returned from the board.

"...and ended up in St.Louis. I had to get away from L.A. Too much fun, you know..?"

I threw my three darts, one missing the board entirely and one bouncing off and hitting the floor. Haha, shit. I was bad.

"..Well, anyway, I got work at the university here - and met Dan.. St.Louis isn't that bad. Better than the town where I grew up..."
I lit a cigarette as she told me her story, and sniffed involuntarily, promptly realizing two things. First, the coke was fucking good, and I already wanted more. Second, I did not give a fuck about what this woman had to say. I watched her mouth move, and heard the words, but all I could think about was getting those pouty full lips wrapped around my cock.

I watched her toss her darts and it was quickly apparent she had very little idea what she was doing. I scoffed when she said St Louis wasn’t that bad.

“Well, I think you could have done a lot better,” I replied, leaving her to wonder whether I meant the choice of city or husband, and eyed the darts on the floor. “You gonna get those or what?”
I was about to ask Tommy if he meant with his comment, when he sent me back to retrieve the darts. I knew it was customary to hand them over to the next player, still I forgot.

"Oh.. right.. sorry!!" I turned round and pulled out the one I had managed to throw and hit the board and the one beside the board, and bent over to reach the one on the floor. It wasn't easy on high heels and I almost lost my balance, feeling my dress slide up over the bottom part of my ass cheeks. Just as Dan had predicted.. Oh god.. I should probably text him, I thought.. I got up, pulling my dress down and placing the darts in Tommys outstretched hand..

"Your turn, sorry I'm really bad at this", I giggled.
I took the darts from her, our fingers grazing each other with an electric touch. Fuck, I wanted this woman. I smirked at her. The view of her bending over was etched in my mind. The minidress slid up just enough to afford a good look at the bottoms of her ass cheeks, and I was sure I wasn’t the only guy in the joint that got such a nice view.

I licked my lips, sniffed again. “You’ll figure it out, I’m sure,” I said. “But I certainly won’t complain about you bending over like that again,” I winked at her and stepped up to the line, and tossed my three darts in quick succession, scoring several points. I retrieved them from the board and walked back to Sanna to hand them to her. I took a long drink off my beer, caught the eye of the bartender and motioned for another round of drinks for us.
Fuck, I knew I’d shown too much - damn dress, damn darts! I felt myself blush uneasily at his comment but it seemed in good humour at least.

I let his remark pass without comment and took a big sip of my drink. The coke still ran in me, I still had that sensation of all the nerves in me alive and wanting. And I wouldn’t have minded more.

I threw my three darts. Two stuck on the board this time, even hitting 20 which I celebrated by throwing my arms in the air and yelling ‘yes!’ - and then quickly firing off the third dart which failed miserably and ended up on the floor. Again I bent over, this time attempting to keep my dress down but feeling that I probably hadn’t done a good job..
I chuckled at her cute little happy dance, and then chuckled some more as her last dart missed wildly and hit the floor. Standing at the table with my beer, I was just a step away from her... I saw my opportunity and couldn’t help but take it, giving her thick round butt a healthy smack when she bent over!

I shrugged when she looked at me, shocked. “What? I couldn’t help myself!” I said, taking the darts from her yet again. The fresh drinks were delivered a moment later. I snuffed my cigarette out in the ashtray, stepped to the line and glanced over at her, taking my time checking her body out for a moment before tossing my darts at the board.

I retrieved them from the board. “You look like you’re about ready for a little more of that nose candy... or a lot more...”