Ignore this thread



I'm just testing a few things out, so don't mind me. Unless of course you feel like there's something you want to say, but can't put it anywhere else.
I find it endlessly amusing that this thread has views just because of what I named it. :D Human nature is a wonderful thing.

But no one has anything to say? I find that doubtful. Just a random blurb, a random pic, a drunk-comment... any one of those would be fine. I should have named this thread 'Sounding Board...'
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That... was awesome. How long did it take you to make that beasty?
So now I have a question for the people of Lit: What's your fantasy? If you could live out one sexual experience, no matter how taboo, unrealistic, or unlikely, what would it be?
So now I have a question for the people of Lit: What's your fantasy? If you could live out one sexual experience, no matter how taboo, unrealistic, or unlikely, what would it be?

Wait, now that you've tricked me into looking at your thread, you want me to tell you my fantasy?? Lol. Well, I'll tell you ONE fantasy, though I'd never really do it.

I'd like to see what it feels like to be taken by three guys at once. Maybe more, but definitely one for each orifice, all at the same time. :eek:

Like I said, I'll never do it (and hubby will probably be mad at me for saying it on here, haha), but I'd really like to know.

So there. ;)
Currently its a tie...

I want 18 year old virgins..male and female...

Or I want fingered in public by a stranger..
So now I have a question for the people of Lit: What's your fantasy? If you could live out one sexual experience, no matter how taboo, unrealistic, or unlikely, what would it be?
lol......I will tell ya mine.......

I want to get the best four of my past lovers together have us all tested to make sure we all know we all are safe. Spend a week with them at a beach resort out of the country, letting them do what they want sexually with lil ole me.....Nothing out of bounds and no use of protection......My thoughts usually go to having all four of them at the same time the first night.....:devil::devil::devil::devil:

Well damn. I unsubscribed myself from this thread because I thought it was dead lol. Completely ignored. I was surprised to see those posts on here... Thank you for that.

Perhaps I should go ahead and give one of mine, eh? PTK was onto something. I've had exes (though only two) that were mindblowingly good. I'd like to... entertain them both for a whole day. No prior commitments, meetings, obligations. 24 hours of me and them. And one rule: some sort of sexual activity once every hour, lasting at least five minutes.

Well damn. I unsubscribed myself from this thread because I thought it was dead lol. Completely ignored. I was surprised to see those posts on here... Thank you for that.

Perhaps I should go ahead and give one of mine, eh? PTK was onto something. I've had exes (though only two) that were mindblowingly good. I'd like to... entertain them both for a whole day. No prior commitments, meetings, obligations. 24 hours of me and them. And one rule: some sort of sexual activity once every hour, lasting at least five minutes.

Haha! Sounds like a fun fantasy, but you'd better hope they aren't the cruel types. They could bring you to brink twenty four times and never satisfy you. You'd be darn near crippled! lol

As long as they didn't play any tricks like that, though, it would be great.
Haha! Sounds like a fun fantasy, but you'd better hope they aren't the cruel types. They could bring you to brink twenty four times and never satisfy you. You'd be darn near crippled! lol

As long as they didn't play any tricks like that, though, it would be great.
Come to think of it, you have a point. But it wouldn't be all that hard to sneak one in whilst pleasuring either one of them. :D

Cool. In that case, gotta go with the predictable. Let's go with the most raunchy stripper scenario possible. We're talking wild stage show, taking some lucky (well endowed too, this is fantasy after all) guy to the VIP room and just getting all kinds of laid.
(I say it's impossible because i -think- 26 is past the ideal stripper age, plus i'm not exactly some rail thin chick with big boobs.)
Cool. In that case, gotta go with the predictable. Let's go with the most raunchy stripper scenario possible. We're talking wild stage show, taking some lucky (well endowed too, this is fantasy after all) guy to the VIP room and just getting all kinds of laid.
(I say it's impossible because i -think- 26 is past the ideal stripper age, plus i'm not exactly some rail thin chick with big boobs.)
And that's the great thing about fantasies. They don't have to be realistic, and the wilder they are, the hotter they feel.

Nothing wrong with 26, and rail-thin and big-boobed aren't always appealing either.

Can I volunteer as the guy? :D
And that's the great thing about fantasies. They don't have to be realistic, and the wilder they are, the hotter they feel.

Nothing wrong with 26, and rail-thin and big-boobed aren't always appealing either.

Can I volunteer as the guy? :D

;) ;) ;)