If your wife or girlfriend cheated

Right now, it would most likely be a co worker of hers. Somebody she likes a lot, is physically attractive to her, and who is also married so she can be reassured of some discretion.
I would be in excruciating pain

But if I truly love her and want to continue the relationship I would talk to her as to why?

I would definitely work on the issues and help her work on anything that she thinks she needs.
It's not easy for me to just walk away from a relationship
I would be in excruciating pain

But if I truly love her and want to continue the relationship I would talk to her as to why?

I would definitely work on the issues and help her work on anything that she thinks she needs.
It's not easy for me to just walk away from a relationship

This would apply for when we had an exclusivity arrangement
My wife did cheat (before we married) with multiple guys which included:
  • 4 co-workers
  • 2 guys she met on a dating app
  • 2 random one-night stands
  • an old flame

She was a busy girl!
Monogamy is not natural. Cheating happens and very often in our society. Just look at the divorce rate. Maybe we should provide hall passes every so often and acknowledge that people get itches that need to be scratched.
My wife cheats all the time ....... So does my girlfriend ........ Thankfully it's with each other so I'm cool with that.
with women

Since the lockdown this is the fantasy my wife and I have discussed all the time -- who could she cheat with, who could I cheat with

it is men that are pro athletes, movies, ect. with guys it is like, the checkout woman from three store, the female jogger that runs by the house, ect.
if she did

it would probably be with a guy that was more maCho than I at least acts that way.
Monogamy is not natural. Cheating happens and very often in our society. Just look at the divorce rate. Maybe we should provide hall passes every so often and acknowledge that people get itches that need to be scratched.

I fully agree - forget the hall pass, rethink marriage!

If my wife "cheated" - power to her. I wish she would, she is attractive, full of life, she deserves some good sex, because god knows it certainly doesn't happen between us. It might even make her a bit less angry and mean (which is one of the reasons we don't have sex)...
I fully agree - forget the hall pass, rethink marriage!

If my wife "cheated" - power to her. I wish she would, she is attractive, full of life, she deserves some good sex, because god knows it certainly doesn't happen between us. It might even make her a bit less angry and mean (which is one of the reasons we don't have sex)...

Occasional affairs are treated way to seriously. They happen, they cam be fun, better to accept it
It would be an old friend who she's always thought was hot and he's seen her in action when he walked up on us at a private woods where we were camping .

I was kind of surprised she didn't invite him to join us . It turned her on that he'd seen her in all her glory doing things she loves to do and riding it out to the end .