Have you ever fucked your friend's . . .

Not with a friends boyfriend or girlfriend, but I did go with a friends brother once, she watched and joined in after a while. I’ve also had two or three friends fathers as well. I’m not sure if it counts in this thread though.

All lovely experiences as well.

but I did go with a friends brother once, she watched and joined in after a while.

Friend joined you with her brother? That must be a great story!

I dated two sisters for a number of years in college. Their father was none the wiser but their mother figured it out fairly quickly and played interference for us... But sorry, that is probably a topic for a different thread. 🫢😇
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Friend joined you with her brother? That must be a great story!

I dated two sisters for a number of years in college. Their father was none the wiser but their mother figured it out fairly quickly and played interference for us... But sorry, that is probably a topic for a different thread. 🫢😇
It may be one of the events that I actually write about. I’ll have to see how I feel and think about it for a while,

Male here - I fucked my mates Mam in my late teens. The affair, as Sylvia put it, lasted a few years.

My Mrs fucked our daughters ex boyfriend as rumour was he was well hung? He certainly was, wife still fucks him when they can meet up. Has been going on for over 10 yrs, he's now married with a family.
Have you ever fucked your friend's girlfriend, boyfriend or spouse and did the spouse know?
I have. A year after we were married. Fucked her good friend after a night at the bars with a group of friends and the wife exited early. They are still close after 20 plus years and do not believe the friend ever shared the secret. I know I haven't.
I have. A year after we were married. Fucked her good friend after a night at the bars with a group of friends and the wife exited early. They are still close after 20 plus years and do not believe the friend ever shared the secret. I know I haven't.
Never tried again?
Landlords wife. Retired AF officer brought home a young Filipina and bought two buildings/eight apartments. We were friends before he married because he lived next door to my parents.

I rented an apartment a from him a few years later and he lived with her in another. After a while of seeing her regularly as a neighbor and a little light flirting she pushed me into my apartment and told me the meds from her husbands medical condition had left him impotent and he hadn't been great before it. Big age gap. I fucked her off and on for nearly two years. A terrific lover. I broke it off when I met my wife. No idea if he ever knew. Real smart lady though.
Definitely counts Katy. Love to hear more about it. Who initiated the action?
@Katy95 Agreed. I had an ongoing thing with the mother of one of my team mates for my last two years of HS. One of the best experiences, what she did for my confidence defined who I became for years to come.
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