If you do one of the following I think you are weird...


The Libertine
Apr 25, 2002
If you make a statement and then go "Eh? Eh?" afterwards. "eh" is second only to "ow" for a sound a person should make when they are in pain. I still don't know what kind of response a person expects when they say "Eh?"

if you repeat the last phrase you said as though it makes what you said more important you're weird.

Repeating catch phrases you hear in commercials is pathetic. If I pass you speaking on a cell phone and you say "Can you hear me now?" I may confiscate your phone on principle.

The weirdest people in the world eat french fries and pizza with a fork.

just to let you know....
My roomate puts mustard and relish in kraft dinner. I think that's pretty weird.
Shaq said:
If you make a statement and then go "Eh? Eh?" afterwards. "eh" is second only to "ow" for a sound a person should make when they are in pain. I still don't know what kind of response a person expects when they say "Eh?"

if you repeat the last phrase you said as though it makes what you said more important you're weird.

Repeating catch phrases you hear in commercials is pathetic. If I pass you speaking on a cell phone and you say "Can you hear me now?" I may confiscate your phone on principle.

The weirdest people in the world eat french fries and pizza with a fork.

just to let you know....

I eat my pizza with a fork... however I have a reason.. the pizzas we have have no sides to them, and they are all pizza slices... so the cheese runs of the side, without a fork, I get burnt hands... or I eat a cold pizza, neither appeals.
So, what's your point? Is it just that you have too much time on your hands? Don't you have a life?

Or are you just prejudiced against Canadians?

I only eat pizza with tools when it's too hot to handle, and I always get a blister on the roof of my mouth!

Tell us what's really bothering you...
Shaq said:
If you make a statement and then go "Eh? Eh?" afterwards. "eh" is second only to "ow" for a sound a person should make when they are in pain. I still don't know what kind of response a person expects when they say "Eh?"

if you repeat the last phrase you said as though it makes what you said more important you're weird.

Repeating catch phrases you hear in commercials is pathetic. If I pass you speaking on a cell phone and you say "Can you hear me now?" I may confiscate your phone on principle.

The weirdest people in the world eat french fries and pizza with a fork.

just to let you know....

I think the wierdest people are those that watch other people eat french fries and pizza with forks, and think those are weird.
I use a fork when I eat chili cheese fries, does that count?

I also like the sweet and sour sauce at McDougal's to dip my fries in.
what if you say 'huh' after a question?


i like pizza, huh?
amelia said:
what if you say 'huh' after a question?


i like pizza, huh?

Depends...do you do it while eating the pizza with a fork and dipping your french fries in the pizza sauce?

Maybe we could make a pizza with a french fry topping to get a 2fer on the wierd scale.

I'm off to Domino's to sell them my cool new idea. And I won't share the profits with Shaq, eh?
But the real question is...if we are all weird, does this not make US normal and Shaq the odd one? Eh? Eh?
First of all, being called weird in my family is considered a term of endearment -- has to be in a family of scientists and such...

Secondly, I adore the idiosyncrasies and cultural overlays that make each of us unique. My Dutch neighbors taught me all kinds of new ways to work with food...they put mayonaise on their french fries and have an awesome Indonesian ketchup they put on most other things. My daughter now eats her french fries with honey mustard. (guess what -- it's pretty good)

I think my point is to not limit yourself by putting others into your box. The world is made gorgeous by each individual's gifts and ways, talents and experiences. Our differences are what make life's quilt so beautiful.
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Count me in among the weird. My family thrives on our weirdness, but we can be a lot of fun.
Ow. Are you trying to hurt us?

What constitutes "wierd" is a function of one's perspective, eh?
BgMma99 said:
I use a fork when I eat chili cheese fries, does that count?

I also like the sweet and sour sauce at McDougal's to dip my fries in.

are those chili and cheese fries from sonics? eh?
You say weird like its a bad thing.

Anyone who does something different than I do is weird. Its not a bad thing, just weird.

Weird, what a word. Do you notice that when you say a word several times it starts to sound funny? I'm even begining to doubt its spelling, that's weird, eh?