If you could go back in time and live with Phelia in any historical locale...


Literotica Guru
Jun 13, 2012
Where would it be and when?

I would take her to the feudal Edo Japanese countryside, where we would have to hide our identities, lest we be tortured and killed for being foreigners in a hermit empire. The life would be hard and stoic, but once a year, we would witness the cherry blossoms fall from the heavens above us, and that would make it all worthwhile.
We could subdue the great Namazu in Edo harbor after the god Kashima failed to keep the Kaname-ishi in place, thus gaining us the admiration of the earthquake-weary masses.
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We could subdue the great Namazu in Edo harbor after the thunder god Raijin failed to keep the Kaname-ishi in place, thus gaining us the admiration of the earthquake-weary masses.

I rather move forward than move backwards!
We can do that. I hope it's warm enough to sleep outside when we get there.

Are you good at farming or a whiz with a katana or anything? I don't think too many of my skills would be very marketable in feudal Japan, and I would hate to have to resort to posing for naughty ukiyo-e paintings before we really had a chance to make a go of it.
Blobfish is always getting so personal. i did'nt know this thread was about a specific person.
We can do that. I hope it's warm enough to sleep outside when we get there.

Are you good at farming or a whiz with a katana or anything? I don't think too many of my skills would be very marketable in feudal Japan, and I would hate to have to resort to posing for naughty ukiyo-e paintings before we really had a chance to make a go of it.

Posing for erotic woodblock prints! You make me melt like a block of ice on Okinawa with that sort of talk!

My expertise is carving netsuke from the ivory of various extinct mammals that were not extinct during the Edo period. I doubt we would make it that far, though. Our best bet to avoid the forced seppuku would be to claim to Shinto nature spirits, but they would eventually require some kind of evidence. Can you transform into any sort of talking animals?
Blobfish is always getting so personal. i did'nt know this thread was about a specific person.

Yup! It is about my crush, Phelia. She had me in her hand after that Seinfeld joke. I think I still have a PM of hers that I have to respond to! I like to wait a while to make me seem aloof.
This needs more responses. I was the only one to give a real answer. Lorilei gave me a semi, but still.