If you could do it all over again


Literotica Guru
Nov 24, 2001
Everyone, at one time or another, has reached a crossing point in their life. As we age there will be others.

So here's your chance to turn back the clock.

Where did you fuck up? Why? The assumption is that you wouldn't want to change anything if everything was just as it should be.

November 16th 1991.

I married someone after just turning 18 and less than 2 months pregnant. What do you know about love at that age? What do you really know about yourself?

I knew deep down that I was making a mistake but I felt like I didn't have a choice.. my mother told me that I had made my bed and that I must live in it.

I should have listened to that wiser inner voice that was screaming at me as I walked down the aisle. Asking me what the fuck was I doing!

I also believed that our child deserved two parents.. my mistake in thinking that was to believe that couldn't happen unless we were married. I guess I also didn't want him to have the stigma that goes along with parents who never married.

Had I been smart I would have turned around and walked out of the church and had my child by myself and not gone t hrough the hell that he sometimes put me through. Put our son through because of how he behaved.

Live and learn. :)
I wouldn't do a single thing over again...I'm happy NOW, no matter how miserable things have been, and I wouldn't trade my current feelings for anything. Life isn't perfect, but I've come to an 'accommodation' with the way things are, and everything that came before taught me how to deal with things.
I'd do it all over you

Actually, there are a multitude of things I would want to change. On the other hand, all these episodes have brought me to this moment, in this state of mind, this place in space. I don't think I could have acquired any wisdom without my serious misjudgements and unconscious acts of stupidity. Seems it took a few karmic 2x4s to knock any sense into this head.

I would have bought stock in Intel, though
If I could do it all over again, I wouldn't care about 'losing' the little power games we play with each other...

Sometimes winning costs too much.
I wouldn't change anything. I used to wish for a way to change certain things in my life but then I began to realize I wouldn't be as stong of a woman as I am today with out the lessons from the past.
If I could do it all over again, I would have told her how much I truly loved her...*sigh*
Telling that agent Iwasnt interested in acting on Tv anymore..
Very little. Perhaps a job choice or a date here and there. My life is where I am now. Change any past occurance and you change that which I may not wish to.
Actually, it was pretty recent- January 4th, to be exact.

I can't get too detailed, but I did something rash. Nothing immoral, mind you, but just loopy enough that it might have cost the well-being of my present relationship. Groan...

We'll see.

Regretful in Roswell,

Life is grand.

I wouldn't go thought all the shits again.


Dream ON.

Only DAy Dreamer would think of a Think Like that.

man... ANd NEVR... even in the future...

TIMEs will keep going on...

NONr matter how you feels or not feels....


Things *CALL* tuning back in time.

And DON't waste you time doing DAY DREAM.

THe tomorrow staRT TO DAY...




I have one thing that I would do differently: different major in college. I thought about it, and let myself be talked out of it. Eventually went into the field, and grad school, and I'm now fairly successful at it. I lost ten years of a career that might have been. What a waste.
There's a couple of cross roads I wish I had taken other routes on....

I never should have gone to Arizonia.
I should have never taken buiness school when I knew I had a learning disablity.
I should of dated.
PoliteSuccubus said:
There's a couple of cross roads I wish I had taken other routes on....

I love that phrase. Like the end of the movie "Castaway". In the middle of a four way intersection. And no traffic. Which way did he go?

Well...one thing...there are dozens, if not hundreds, of really bad movies i would have avoided...did we need Striptease or a remake of psycho?!?
Mostly things to do with school and work.

But then, if I hadn't been where I was, would I be where I am?
Some things in my life I wouldn't want to lose :)
Pixie said:
Mostly things to do with school and work.

But then, if I hadn't been where I was, would I be where I am?
Some things in my life I wouldn't want to lose :)

The paradox enters.

If I had to do it all over again...I'd do it all over you!

No seriously...March 21, 1978...I'd have picked a different parachute from the rigging shed.
1983 I think. It was a pivotal moment that I wish now I could change. If only I had chosen differently. I could have had a better life. But it could have been far worse too.
Ishmael said:
The paradox enters.

I know, how boring of me.
It's just been on my mind a lot lately.

I may wish I'd made different choices, but I try not to regret the ones I made.
I'm trying to look forward more, it isn't always easy :)