If you can't write it, who here could?


Bad Doggie
Jul 13, 2009
Premise of the thread.

You have an idea, a great idea, a "This thing has to see the light of day!" level idea.

But...for whatever reason, you can't write the story, but-for the sake of this exercise-you're going to trust someone here, here being either the AH, or just another author on lit that you like, with your baby.

So, who here, other than yourself, can do justice to your idea? You can add the why as a bonus.
My pick would be @ChloeTzang

Why? For the most part, a similarity in mindset, ideas, and basic style. Basic not as much as we write the same way technically, but with the same 'feel'

Chloe can deliver both sex and violence equally well, she can be fun in her stories, and she can go black hole level dark. She is also, like myself, somewhat self-indulgent and wordy and will not hesitate to drop a twenty-page story because she feels stories should be as long as they need to be.

I also like her attitude in general. Whether true or not, I've always felt like Chloe writes with a bit of a chip on her shoulder, a polite fuck you, if there is such a thing. I like that.
I suffer from impatience and often find myself admiring other authors who take things more calmly and focus on lyrical description. Recently I enjoyed re-reading the yellow skirt 750 by @mrs_mackenzie and find myself wondering how she would write something dark and vampiric...
@onehitwanda could write any of my ideas, better than I. They are mostly pale imitations of her tales anyway. She'd maximize the emotional punch: if I came up with a five tissue idea, she'd turn that into five boxes of tissues in the execution. She wouldn't bother with any of my annoying chapter breaks either, which would probably be a massive relief for those readers who get fed up of my constant cliffhangers.

(@Areala-chan and @Jackie.Hikaru would make excellent substitutes should Wanda be unavailable.)
I've bumped into several good writers here and one really, really good one. Probably more if I read very many stories. But I haven't bumped into any that share my tastes, and I think sharing my taste would be a pre-requisite to writing my story.
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Depends on the story.

But I'd trust:

@lovecraft68 (incest, mature or horror)

@Altissimus (reluctance, building tension, werewolves, bdsm, dom/sub dynamics and intricate plots or relationships [and all of the mind fucks.])

@NecessaryDeviance (relationship heavy stories with a lot of tension and awkward situations, friendships, or experiences, and intricate plots.)

@SeraphNocturne (horror, noncon, and all stories with an intricate focus on dynamics between characters.)

@KathrynLocksley (sweet dom stories and lesbian.)

@ElectricBlue (bug balls [left open to interpretation intentionally] and sensual stories.)

@Omenainen (Lesbian, romance, and chaos, preferably something with all three.)

@stickygirl (romance heavy sweet stories with a touch of sadness to overcome.)


@NoTalentHack (Loving wives and romance.)

to get the aesthetic and relationships right.

But I'm not too precious with any of my ideas and stories and would happily hand most off to anyone here who asked. (Though, I'd only trust @NecessaryDeviance and @Altissimus for stories that really mattered to me on a personal level because I know they both know me and understand me enough to do the emotional side justice.)
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I would trust Bluedragon, EmilyMiller, Freya Gersemi, StillStunned, and Carnage Jackson, plus a few others with my stories, no problem. But I doubt they’d be willing to make time for my work on top of theirs. If they or anyone else wants to make a contribution to my universe, though, drop me a Conversation and we can discuss it. There are some people I would not want to contribute, but I won’t share their names here.
I actually have some story ideas I have not started because I do not believe I could do justice to the stories. Some are too long for my attention span and availability, and others require skills I do not possess. I have not done much reading in the last several years, but two authors I admire and would trust are Etaski and Melissababy.
@EmilyMiller would do anything I was going to do much better.

And @Smuttyandfun is the master of the kind of irreverent and at times over the top style I aspire to.

@onehitwanda 's usage of descriptive metaphor and poetic prose puts anything I, or most of us, have tried to shame.

And @oneagainst 's tangled plots of interconnected characters are the platonic form of the character cross connections I've sprinkled about in my own work.
There are a lot of fine writers here and I'd be pleased if any of them wanted to write my idea. It's a idea. I wouldn't see it as "my story". I post them on the story ideas forum with regularity.
It would depend on the story idea. If the situation ever arose, I'd have to do some research into who is best at what style and in which category. Otherwise, this is just an exercise in "I like these other authors".

(I'm still flattered to have been mentioned a couple of times, mind.)
It would depend on the story idea. If the situation ever arose, I'd have to do some research into who is best at what style and in which category. Otherwise, this is just an exercise in "I like these other authors".

(I'm still flattered to have been mentioned a couple of times, mind.)
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the people who answered this have read the authors they selected as their choice, and reasons were given.

This isn't a school project, one of the aspects is who would you trust to handle your idea. Trust is not something given to someone you don't know, don't like, or haven't seen many examples of their work.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the people who answered this have read the authors they selected as their choice, and reasons were given.

This isn't a school project, one of the aspects is who would you trust to handle your idea. Trust is not something given to someone you don't know, don't like, or haven't seen many examples of their work.
This is true. I have read all the authors I mentioned and consider them skilled at the craft. I also believe most of their tastes match mine, thus they would probably handle my fictional universe in accordance with my canon. That's important to any writer.
I'd trust @StillStunned, @THBGato or @Djmac1031 with one of my ideas. Their styles and sensibilities seem compatible with mine. Not that most of the rest of you wouldn't do a good job. Though maybe not @EmilyMiller, but only because I can't see any of my ideas benefitting from purple tentacles :)
I should add @Publius68. I think he's on here sometimes. "Plausibly ridiculous" is a motto I can get behind.
It doesn't grow on trees, it comes from a deep intimate (In the platonic sense) relationship built up over many years.
Relationships like that take time and need tests. Small at first until you build that sense of loyalty and trust...

So who would I entrust with a story idea... Something that I am attached to emotionally, and want desperately to see completed???

From the AH... Nobody... Quite simply I don't have that relationship...

Almost every writer here has better technical ability than myself. There are also great story tellers. Far better than I could ever aspire to be...
Writers who's stories I love to read. Some of those, I wait impatiently for their next creative work.

Speaking only for myself. I become incredibly attached to my ideas, my characters. I giggle and laugh along with them as they appear in my stories. Sometimes, if I've captured the emotion... I cry as well.
Could I entrust somebody I don't know in a personal sense with one of them? No...

It's not just about trust either. When I start to write a story... I don't really know where it's going... I have written several where I thought I knew how it would play out, but then as the story developed. It morphed into something completely different. My hero became the villain...

Almost every writer here is a better writer than me. This question goes far deeper than who's good enough (Everybody) It comes down to relationships....

But, there is that other thing, when you've laughed and cried with them, then what? Consign them to the archives as you move on? I came to that point recently... you reach a million words and then write that last sentence.

No, I reckon have at it. If someone wants to take them on, then go, fill your boots. You've lived with them that long then they deserve more than the filing cabinet.
But, there is that other thing, when you've laughed and cried with them, then what? Consign them to the archives as you move on? I came to that point recently... you reach a million words and then write that last sentence.

No, I reckon have at it. If someone wants to take them on, then go, fill your boots. You've lived with them that long then they deserve more than the filing cabinet.
Stories and characters are like songs....
You write them, play them over and over. Love them.
Then one day you hear somebody else cover one, and it sends shivers down your spine because it's absolutely awful.
You want to rush up and rip the guitar out of their hand and smash it over their head...

You wrote it, heard it in your head...
I realise there's gonna be that one person who nails it, but. To listen to that one person, you have to listen to a hundred murder it....

No, you understand your story and the characters within... it's yours to tell.

At least that's the way I feel. Doesn't make it right, just one of a million opinions.

It doesn't grow on trees, it comes from a deep intimate (In the platonic sense) relationship built up over many years.
Relationships like that take time and need tests. Small at first until you build that sense of loyalty and trust...

So who would I entrust with a story idea... Something that I am attached to emotionally, and want desperately to see completed???

From the AH... Nobody... Quite simply I don't have that relationship...

Almost every writer here has better technical ability than myself.

Speaking only for myself. I become incredibly attached to my ideas, my characters. I giggle and laugh along with them as they appear in my stories. Sometimes, if I've captured the emotion... I cry as well.
Could I entrust somebody I don't know in a personal sense with one of them? No...

It's not just about trust either. When I start to write a story... I don't really know where it's going... I have written several where I thought I knew how it would play out, but then as the story developed. It morphed into something completely different. My hero became the villain...

Almost every writer here is a better writer than me. This question goes far deeper than who's good enough (Everybody) It comes down to relationships....

Almost every writer here has better technical ability than myself.
You have obviously never read my work. I am probably the least technically proficient writer here. I'm a story teller with grammar being second in my focus.

Almost every writer here has better technical ability than myself.

Do not ever, and I mean ever, sell yourself short like that. Seriously, no good comes of that train of thought. You can rock it as well, if not better, than anyone else on this site is how you need to see it.
Stories and characters are like songs....
You write them, play them over and over. Love them.
Then one day you hear somebody else cover one, and it sends shivers down your spine because it's absolutely awful.
You want to rush up and rip the guitar out of their hand and smash it over their head...

You wrote it, heard it in your head...
I realise there's gonna be that one person who nails it, but. To listen to that one person, you have to listen to a hundred murder it....

No, you understand your story and the characters within... it's yours to tell.

At least that's the way I feel. Doesn't make it right, just one of a million opinions.

I get this view, of course. It makes perfect sense. But I think it may be a product of the recording age. Before recording, a song lived by being played. Played by the traveling minstrel at a fair, played by the tired farmer at night for his family after he heard it once and could only partly recreate it, played by the grown child years later with different notes entirely. The alternative was not being played or heard at all.

But you are right, we can go back to these recordings of words we and others create, etched in digital stone, for as long as we want and revisit them as they were set down forever. In this case there is no need for the stories to pass through many lips to survive. Still the mention of covers reminded me of this. In the not too distant past, the very notion of a cover didn't exist; there was just being played or not being played.
It doesn't grow on trees, it comes from a deep intimate (In the platonic sense) relationship built up over many years.
Relationships like that take time and need tests.
I don't think trusting someone enough to take up one of my story ideas requires that level of trust. Trust is a continuum. As soon as you first meet somebody, you start climbing that ladder, through small talk and then later conversation and actions.

Trusting someone to write out my story idea is like a three out of ten. There's little risk if I'm not going to finish the idea myself.

Though part of that is that I don't see my ideas as precious things. They're a dime a dozen; I have several a day. Yeah, some rise above and stand out, but still, until they're executed, they're just seeds, one of hundreds, or thousands. And if someone takes one on and it doesn't meet my expectations, I can still write my own with it. And idea isn't consumed by being fleshed out.