If we could discontinue progress.


Not Innocent
Oct 26, 2001
If you could hault the progression of technology, or even reverse it, would you? Why?

I think sometimes that I would. Some of the more simplier things in life have become obscured by the new complications that have been introduced by techology. It's painful to me to see that we have the capability to do so much good, but to see it used for so much harm; we might as well not have the potential at all.
Black_Bird said:
If you could hault the progression of technology, or even reverse it, would you? Why?

I think sometimes that I would. Some of the more simplier things in life have become obscured by the new complications that have been introduced by techology. It's painful to me to see that we have the capability to do so much good, but to see it used for so much harm; we might as well not have the potential at all.

Technology is definitely a mixed blessing. Would we take back the "Green Revolution" if we knew that it would allow the incredible expansion in the population of the Far East?

Technology does more than provide simple luxuries--it is absolutely necessary to our capability to stay alive. We can denounce our automobiles, but can we denounce the food that comes by trucks over our highways?

The simplistic answer is that if we could halt the progression of technology, the world would be even worse off then it is. On the other hand, long after the shit hits the fan, we might find ourselves in a simpler world. Why waste time with philosophy when you have to get food on the table? Why concern yourself with the meaning of life when your life is so short?
Black_Bird said:
If you could hault the progression of technology, or even reverse it, would you? Why?

I think sometimes that I would. Some of the more simplier things in life have become obscured by the new complications that have been introduced by techology. It's painful to me to see that we have the capability to do so much good, but to see it used for so much harm; we might as well not have the potential at all.

I wouldn't.

We can dream about a life without technology, but we can also all choose to live such a life. Sea change is in everyone's reach. There are a million little towns where people are moving away, where you can move to and get work.

However, to impact on the people who are using the extra knowledge and tools to enhance their lives by rolling something back? That seems an odd concept to me. It's not like the old information has disappeared because of the new.

Sure, there is more media and geek emphasis on the new, despite the fact that that often interferes with true happiness. The search for meaning isn't found anywhere other than inside of you.

The Universe wants to unfold.


the D
Black_Bird said:
If you could hault the progression of technology, or even reverse it, would you? Why?
Nope. I know some people who romanticize about "the good old days", but they either didn't live in those times, or they only remember the good and not the bad. In many ways life in the "good old days" was much shorter and brutal than it is today. On the whole our lifetsyle is much better now than it was just a few short decades ago, not to mention a few hundred or even thousand years ago.

So in short, I don't want to go backwards and I don't want to stand still - I want to go forward. I want my children, and their children to live in a better world than I grew up in.
No, but if I could I would breed a conscience and ethics into the corporate machine that creates most technology.
Id stop cloning, but thats because I have visions of the movie gattaca in my head.
No Way, we are so close to being able to clone ME, there is no way I would pass that up. Imagine...me forever...yes!;)
KillerMuffin said:
No, but if I could I would breed a conscience and ethics into the corporate machine that creates most technology.

In one of the states here in Australia, education reform is adding this sort of awareness into grades 1 to 10 through New Basics, looking essentially at:

  • Life pathways and social futures - Who am I and where am I going?
  • Multiliteracies and communications media - How do I make sense of and communicate with the world?
  • Active citizenship - What are my rights and responsibilities in communities, cultures and economies?
  • Environments and technologies - How do I describe, analyse and shape the world around me?

The trials have been under way for a few years now, we'll see how it works out. I think it's a start in the right direction anyway.


the D