If Trump gets reelected pornography will be outlawed. Trump is coming for L.com!


Aug 18, 2012
If you are a Republican you are part of the problem! This video is terrifying! Trump's election will create a fascist/Christian nation. Vote L.dotters Vote but don't vote Republican!

Yeah, this thread is a staple of every election.

It's nothing but a Lit-Lib fill-in-the-blank Mad Libs...
Sites that give Fascist traitors a platform to spread their hate should be shut down if they refuse to moderate the hate.
The Left just loves and champions free speech...

... Dribble loves the word Fascist. I think it's because he's a Communist.
The two have a deep-seated enmity.
Sites that give Fascist traitors a platform to spread their hate should be shut down if they refuse to moderate the hate.
Yeah buddy, that pesky 1st amendment is going to have to go right along with the 2nd. :rolleyes:
Yeah buddy, that pesky 1st amendment is going to have to go right along with the 2nd. :rolleyes:
You are entitled by the First Amendment to say what you want to say. However...a private entity DOES NOT HAVE to allow it. Sucks huh?
Lit already self-censors adult porn heavily which is its right to do so. However the law it cites relates to the illegality of child porn, not legal adult porn.
If you are a Republican you are part of the problem! This video is terrifying! Trump's election will create a fascist/Christian nation. Vote L.dotters Vote but don't vote Republican!

Sounds like another wrecked diaper.:rolleyes:
The sad reality is with the shit legislation that most of the republicans write, that it's not completely out of the realm as an unintended consequence. Their "legislation" seems to be full of those. Especially when they get on their moral high horse.
Come on. The US has had a good run. Now it’s time for the Fourth Reich to finish it off. It seems appropriate that a real German Nazi like Trump is the one to finally destroy the country. I bet his Fourth Reich doesn’t last any longer than Adolf’s did. The US will be incinerated in a wave of nukes. Chile anyone?
For the low information among you, that's anyone who hasn't checked out the 2025 project for themselves, including people who support it like Ish and AJ, here's the pdf. Read it. And for the Ishian comment "*chuckle* Fear mongering starting already." and the AJ snark of, "Yeah, this thread is a staple of every election. It's nothing but a Lit-Lib fill-in-the-blank Mad Libs..." here's a quote directly from the pdf:

"...That is, an individual must be free to live as his Creator ordained—to flourish. Our Constitution grants each of us the liberty to do not what we want, but what we ought."

Now even Ish and AJ should be able to see the conflict in those two statements, that the constitution grants us the right to live as his/her creator ordained, but only as long as we do what we ought to do. And who is it that gets to set the limits of what we "ought" to do? Not the law, but the authors of this document. That is evident in the next sentence "This pursuit of the good life is found primarily in family—marriage, children, Thanksgiving dinners, and the like."

What if I don't want to get married? Have a family? Or any of the other things required by the authors of the book? Why then I'm outside the acceptable definition of "ought" and subject to whatever is devised to get me back into the flock, up to and including punishment for being an independent soul.

After reading through some of this manual I find its mandate to be eerily similar to another published back in the early half of the last century. But that's not the only parallel by any means. Like a bitter pill wrapped in candy to get a kid to take it, such concepts as those expounded by these people are wrapped in honey-sweet language to disguise the bitter taste of the oppression contained within.

Read this document. The authors of this manual are talking about freedom, but only for themselves and for people who believe like they do. For everyone else, it's subjugation, oppression of their wants, desires, freedoms and beliefs. A concept so unamerican, so opposed to what the concept of our country is as to be despicable.


Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise
He won't come after Lit. Not once somebody mentions Xvideos and tells him it's all part of 'X'.
Sites that give Fascist traitors a platform to spread their hate should be shut down if they refuse to moderate the hate.
Unfortunately, that would include this site. Which is exactly why I always hope for more moderation on this site than I am currently seeing.

For those who complain about "Fear Mongering" lets take a look at what would happen if "Project 2025" really did come into play. And lets go beyond the fact that those of the mindset of Chobham and Rightguide would gleefully cheer on and celebrate as civil liberties people have enjoyed for generations are instantly stripped away.

This site would be considered a pornography site. Which means that everyone who participates in it would likely face some kind of legal repercussions- whether they have actually submitted stories or merely participated in the chat rooms. The charge would be disseminating pornography. The site owners would be legally forced by subpena to turn in contact information of it's members to avoid stiffer penalties and might be forced to by court order.

Now here's the ironic thing: Rightguide has at least four user accounts on here- his main one, plus Counselor706, Sugardaddy1, and Vetteman. Under such a system, he would be facing four criminal counts. Chobham, who has at least five or six other active accounts (Icanhelp1, Hisarpy, Ramone45, and millionairenextdoor, among others) would be facing at least five or six counts. Most of us with only one account on this site would be facing only one charge, and thus would ACTUALLY FACE MORE LENIANCY than they would under such laws, should their own dystopian Gilead society come into being.

Careful what you wish for, boys.
The restriction that all porn sites definitely will have is the rising cost of running a site on the internet. Twitter, reddit, facebook, and literotica are all facing the same crunch of trying to pay increasing bills in a shrinking economy. Lit's model of mostly text could keep it going while the video sites disappear, but it won't last forever. The trek to the local smut store will be known again, for a while. We may become too poor for smut in the next few decades. Meanwhile, the paywalls that more sites will need to stay in business for a few more years may settle the ID issue.
If you are a Republican you are part of the problem! This video is terrifying! Trump's election will create a fascist/Christian nation. Vote L.dotters Vote but don't vote Republican!

So will Trump ban his own "Playboy Video Centerfold: playmate 2000 Bernaola Twins" softcore movie? In the credits Trump is billed as "Himself".
The writing is on the wall. If you didn’t already binge watch every video on YouPorn during Covid, do it now while you still can.

If Trump becomes president again, LGBT people will be forced to get married. And they will have to get married in Christian churches with Clarence Thomas or Samuel Alito presiding over the ceremony. They will be required serve non-LGBT wedding cakes at the receptions and the military will be deployed to enforce sodomy laws.
The writing is on the wall. If you didn’t already binge watch every video on YouPorn during Covid, do it now while you still can.

If Trump becomes president again, LGBT people will be forced to get married. And they will have to get married in Christian churches with Clarence Thomas or Samuel Alito presiding over the ceremony. They will be required serve non-LGBT wedding cakes at the receptions and the military will be deployed to enforce sodomy laws.

Let's not forget that all forms of birth control will be illegal and that viagra will be served with every meal.

The writing is on the wall. If you didn’t already binge watch every video on YouPorn during Covid, do it now while you still can.

If Trump becomes president again, LGBT people will be forced to get married. And they will have to get married in Christian churches with Clarence Thomas or Samuel Alito presiding over the ceremony. They will be required serve non-LGBT wedding cakes at the receptions and the military will be deployed to enforce sodomy laws.

Trump has not endorsed Project 2025. There is no evidence he supports most of it. If he is elected in 2024 I expect Trump to play Project 2025 the way President Reagan played Jerry Falwell's Moral Majority.

Reagan knew that the religious right was a large constituency that the Republican Party would need in a close election. He also knew that most Americans, including many Republicans, disliked the religious right.

Reagan solved this conundrum by giving the religious rhetorical support, while doing nothing to advance its agenda. Of the three judges he nominated to the Supreme Court, two voted to preserve the Roe vs Wade decision.

The Moral Majority was and Project 2025 is efforts to restore the moral ethos of the 1950's. Back then rates of divorce and illegitimacy were low. Most Americans were affiliated with a church or synagogue. A popular song captured the popular mood with the lyrics:

Love and marriage, love and marriage
They go together like a horse and carriage
This I tell you, brother
You can't have one without the other

For better or for worse, most Americans do not feel that way any more. The ethos of the 1950's resulted from the social and emotional effects of the Great Depression, the Second World War, and the Cold War. Values and customs that prevailed back then were not imposed by the government. They would need to be now. They would be opposed by Democrats and by the libertarian wing of the GOP.
Let's not forget that all forms of birth control will be illegal and that viagra will be served with every meal.
No doubt about it. Trump’s coming for your condoms. The sinners will try to argue that the only thing that stops a bad guy with a rubber is a good guy with a rubber. Ha! Trump won’t back down. I heard his campaign tagline is “Use a rubber go to jail.”
Let's not forget that all forms of birth control will be illegal and that viagra will be served with every meal.
Shame you need the viagra, but you can have it with your meals if you like-that is your freedom and the medical decision you were able to make with your doctor. Feels good to have medical decisions beteeen you and your doctor NOT scrutinized by the government, doesn’t it?