If there was a movie about your life...


Really Experienced
Jul 19, 2001

If a movie producer decided to do a movie about your life, in which genre - eg., romance, comedy, adventure, XXX, drama, action, horror etc - would it be?


Who would you choose to play the role of you in the movie?


Since this is a fantasy (hehe) Who would be your fantasy leading man/woman?
1. Dark Comedy, it would make Death to Smoochy and Clockwork Orange look like a daycare movie.

2. Leading Man. I'd have to get back to you on that. Maybe Jaleel White.

3. Leading woman. the lady with this ass

I believe it to belong to Caly21
HeavyStick said:
1. Dark Comedy, it would make Death to Smoochy and Clockwork Orange look like a daycare movie.

2. Leading Man. I'd have to get back to you on that. Maybe Jaleel White.

3. Leading woman. the lady with this ass

I believe it to belong to Caly21

I can see it in neon lights now...

"Quit Bitchin'" starring Jaleel White and BigAss... the must see movie of the year!

Sure fire money maker!! :D
1.Mine would probally be an anime style dark drama action/adventure comedy.

2. any body but leonado decaprio

3. Its a anime, need I say more?
hybirdx said:
1.Mine would probally be an anime style dark drama action/adventure comedy.

2. any body but leonado decaprio

3. Its a anime, need I say more?

With the amunt of work Leo has had lately he could probably use the work :D hehe
I don't care, the first time I saw that titanic scene where he drowned in the water, I was cheering! (And I wasn't cheering his acting skills, I was cheering that he died!)

I'd probally get Edge from WWE to do me..... I wonder if Edge ever used a sword?
Mine would be as follows...

1. Hmmm... maybe we could class it as a wanna be romantic movie (lol) but really it'd just be bloody boring!

2. If I could choose ayone to play me I would probably Jeneane Garofalo.

3. Leading lady... hmmm that would have to be the girl who stars in my dreams every night but since I can't put her name on here... Sandra Bullock ofcourse!! Is there a finer woman on earth? Me thinks not! :D
hybirdx said:
I'd probally get Edge from WWE to do me..... I wonder if Edge ever used a sword?

Come on, admit it....

Every man has played with his own sword at one point or another... I'm sure he'd get UP for the role (lol)
1) Genre - Comedy...similar to Happy Gilmore.

2) Actor to play me - Cory Feldman if he's available

3) Leading lady - Kate Winslet
HeavyStick said:
"If", that's the funniest thing you've said.

HeHe :D Good one HeavyStick... I was always much more partial to Corey Haim myself... one of my few male crushes growing up (lol)

Well, I think my movie would be a melange, mostly of comedy!
Ah well, my leading Man would be the Ex i just recently started speaking to again. It's all about the way he touches me!
babyboo said:

If a movie producer decided to do a movie about your life, in which genre - eg., romance, comedy, adventure, XXX, drama, action, horror etc - would it be?


Who would you choose to play the role of you in the movie?


Since this is a fantasy (hehe) Who would be your fantasy leading man/woman?

Mine would be a really HOT porn flick, with every kind of sex act performed.

I'd like to have Winona Ryder play the lead. It's about time she did some REAL sex on film!!!

I'd LUV to have SEan Connery fuck my brains out. But I don't care who fucks Winona.
XXX Horror Comedy!

I Would Be Played By Madonna Or Jennifer Tilly, And My Leading Man Would Be Billy Zane!

The Title Would Be....

Rude Nasty Ass Life!!!
HeavyStick said:
3. Leading woman. the lady with this ass

I believe it to belong to Caly21

No that is NOT my ass. You know what my ass looks like and that is NOT my ass!
Re: XXX Horror Comedy!

RudeNastyAssBitch said:
I Would Be Played By Madonna Or Jennifer Tilly, And My Leading Man Would Be Billy Zane!

The Title Would Be....

Rude Nasty Ass Life!!!


Jennifer Tilly and Billy Zane... even I would watch that!!!
1) dramatic comedy, if that's possible.

2) Janeen Gorofolo.

3) hmmmm... Vin Diesel. Yup. That's it. :D
...A darkly romantic comedy with hints of tragedy and slicing social commentary...

...Mike Meyers...So I Married An Axe Murderer Mike Meyers, not Austin Powers Mike Meyers...Course, he looks nothing like me...He'd have to gain a few pounds of muscle and other stuff...and shave his head...but hey, he's an actor...he can do it...

...There is only one leading lady in my life...:rose:
If there ever were a movie about my life it would be close to the plot of Chasing Amy, except Katie Holmes would play me.

Every guy I've ever been friends with thought after a while that they were in love with me. Duh guys, you just love checking out woman's assses with me.:cool: