Wear body armor if writing about a superhero in a non-canon way... ;-)


Really Experienced
Jul 14, 2022
It is incredible how hostile, rude and almost dangerous the followers of long-established characters from comics, especially superheroes, instantly become if you have a fresh take on a character, something he's never been known to be or do, and you so much as breathe it out loud.
I'm hoping the people here will be a little more open-minded. I was on Reddit, and writing about the recent Batman movie starring Robert Pattinson. Now, I loved the movie. Watched it twice. But there was still something I found missing from it, as I did all other Batman movies, no matter how good, and it comes down to this...
The Batman who lives in my mind is not a kind of super cop, who catches bad guys, but never hurts them, and then simply hands them over to the police. In many ways, the Batman I envision is as scary and dangerous as the truly evil criminals he goes after.
I've even heard Howard Stern talking about this same vision of Batman, that he is borderline psychotic, probably driven to that point by seeing his parents murdered in front of him when he was a boy. His interest is not in enforcing the law, his interest is in ridding Gotham City of predators and evil doers of all kinds, and that include--here comes the big one--killing some of them if the need arises or if he feels it is the only way to truly get rid of the for good.
I would not want to get in this Batman's way. His is not altogether there, mentally, and is formidable, even menacing figure. While he has no wish to harm an innocent civilian, who knows what constitutes guilty and innocent in his mind at any given moment.
Remember, folks, these are just my thoughts, my visions, y'all don't have to agree with them. But we should be able to express such opinions without fear of reprisal.
I like Alan Moore's Watchmen version of costumed crimefighters. Most of them are a bit batshit and a few are deeply fucked up. They're not superheroes, just loonies with various loonie agendas and motivations.
You are like a guy who buys a Camaro and after extensive modification finds a way to put an F-150 body on it... and is then surprised that Camaro enthusiasts aren't impressed.

Just go get a pickup truck and leave the Camaro people alone.
I always wanted a pickup car, but I never had the budget for anything highly collectible. There are plenty of Camaros around. Putting a pickup body on a Camaro chassis makes as much sense as any of the crap GM makes now.
I always wanted a pickup car, but I never had the budget for anything highly collectible. There are plenty of Camaros around. Putting a pickup body on a Camaro chassis makes as much sense as any of the crap GM makes now.

When people have too much money or are just fucking stupid......
As an Avid reader and sometimes writer of Fanfiction myself I understand what you are talking about, and I have this to say about that.

Fuck the Migit Minded Motherfuckers!

Some of the Very Best Fanfiction has been Non-cannon.

Some are novel length and cover many ships and generations.
Here are a couple of places to start with.


What I really liked about the new Batman was it was done on a small scale. It was a detective story(and people forget that's what he was back at the start) about hunting a serial killer, and during the hunt running into some canon characters. I was impressed that they had him as an intense socially stunted recluse who wasn't a lady killer smug asshole like all other Wayne representations, and he wanted fuck all to do with the business.

He had the intense look I felt represented the real character. Keaton had a bit of it but Burton wanted too much hokey to really play that up.

I do see him as more of a Punisher type character and less of a "I'll beat you up and turn you over to a flawed system so I can beat you up again next week"

I get flak when I point out that we have 80 years of Batman history, but every movie has to be "Let's do Catwoman!" like enough already
What I really liked about the new Batman was it was done on a small scale. It was a detective story(and people forget that's what he was back at the start) about hunting a serial killer, and during the hunt running into some canon characters. I was impressed that they had him as an intense socially stunted recluse who wasn't a lady killer smug asshole like all other Wayne representations, and he wanted fuck all to do with the business.

He had the intense look I felt represented the real character. Keaton had a bit of it but Burton wanted too much hokey to really play that up.

I do see him as more of a Punisher type character and less of a "I'll beat you up and turn you over to a flawed system so I can beat you up again next week"

I get flak when I point out that we have 80 years of Batman history, but every movie has to be "Let's do Catwoman!" like enough already

Yep. I quite agree.
Batman fans like the OP- I recommend you check out Frank Miller’s Dark Knight stories. You will enjoy them. I promise.