If the LIBZ wanna eliminate the 2nd Ammendment


Jan 23, 2011
Lets eliminate those LAWS that allow COLROEDS and WEEMENZ to vote


Always voting for ANTI AMERICANS
Guns are disgusting. Men who love guns are disgusting. I want the government to punish them by taking their guns. Then I want the government to raise their taxes. When they turn on the television I want them to see comedians and television talk show hosts ridiculing everything they revere as the audience laughs. :nana:

American liberals will feel at home in any affluent democracy. American reactionaries have no where else to go. No other country respects their ossified values and concerns. No other country wants them.

The impotent just dying to be relevant...

Why are you still here instead of there?
Guns are disgusting. Men who love guns are disgusting. I want the government to punish them by taking their guns. Then I want the government to raise their taxes. When they turn on the television I want them to see comedians and television talk show hosts ridiculing everything they revere as the audience laughs. :nana:

American liberals will feel at home in any affluent democracy. American reactionaries have no where else to go. No other country respects their ossified values and concerns. No other country wants them.

If you hate America so much, leave.
I'd rather stay and make garbage like you miserable. :cool:

You don't make me miserable, you make me laugh. You are such a petty little thing and what you spew here is drivel and comical.

You're also a dickhead, but that's a bonus for us.
That means you'll have to remove them by force, let us know when you assume command of your first Army Corps, Poindexter.:rolleyes:

The "force" that'll remove them will be Father Time.

Like you, most of them are fossils who are on their way out. :)
The "force" that'll remove them will be Father Time.

Like you, most of them are fossils who are on their way out. :)

So, America will be inherited by the meek? America is then doomed to be swallowed up by an ambitious and forward thinking nation, most likely China.

Better brush up on your Mandarin Rory. :(
Lets eliminate those LAWS that allow COLROEDS and WEEMENZ to vote


Always voting for ANTI AMERICANS


...your subjectively irrelevant deflection is a disservice to the nation at a time when such an issue as the 2nd's relevance is on the line.

Why do you continue to fund "ANTI AMERICANS", bb?

Silly question, I know...

...because to guarantee your preferred comfort level in life, you compromise every pro-American principle you proclaim to have on this Board by funding those very "ANTI AMERICANS" activities you protest so much against.

Remember the saying "FOLLOW THE MONEY"?

Following is effortless when folks like you continue to furnish the big, chunky bread crumbs...
No fucking


What the


This was

supposed to mean

...your subjectively irrelevant deflection is a disservice to the nation at a time when such an issue as the 2nd's relevance is on the line.

Why do you continue to fund "ANTI AMERICANS", bb?

Silly question, I know...

...because to guarantee your preferred comfort level in life, you compromise every pro-American principle you proclaim to have on this Board by funding those very "ANTI AMERICANS" activities you protest so much against.

Remember the saying "FOLLOW THE MONEY"?

Following is effortless when folks like you continue to furnish the big, chunky bread crumbs...
No fucking


What the


This was

supposed to mean

How much federal taxes do you pay each year...

...you know, before you take all the deductions you're entitled to which are allowed by some of those very "WOMEN" and "COLOREDS" you protest so disingenuously about?

Did you learn your kids to grow up and become ultra-successful...

...so they could, too, continue to fund the very government you like to portray here as so screwed-up?

It's okay...

...now revert to your partisan stand-by that it'd be so much better if only more "Rs" were in governmental control.

I'll wait:rolleyes:
You must have given some money to somebody besides Ron Paul.

I've never given a penny to Ron Paul, to any other individual running for elective office, or to any political party whatsoever...

...and you'll suck socialist d!ck long before I ever do. :D
I don't give money to democrat or republican socialists. So what you're saying is you don't put your money where your mouth is eh?


...what you are saying is you enthusiastically give your money to partisan political causes and you continue to finance the very government actions you love to decry so much.

I, on the other hand, have made it perfectly clear that I - unlike you and whomever this alt BBII is - do not give my private property to any partisan political candidate or party, and that I actually walk like I talk and refuse to fund government actions which I protest against on this Board.

For one example: this BBII poser likes to act like abortion and federal funding for embryonic stem cell research is so morally wrong...

...yet, so that he can maintain his own standard of living without being hassled by the very government he loves to protest so loudly against, he nonetheless cedes his private property in bundles of cash taxed that pay for the very government-sanctioned abortions and embryonic stem cell research he decries in the first place.

Wtf is up with that contrary kind of crap?

It's almost like you guys don't really mind the very abuses you claim so vehemently to be against...