i would like a story done about me with 3 girls i like from school pt.2


Aug 1, 2002
if u want to bad mouth me go to the other thread, if ypur going to write the story or think about it post here
If you want to act like an asshole to people who might consider writing your story, expect to get flamed.

And btw, it's not like anyone really new will read your new thread and do it. Everyone already saw how you mistreated chicklet.

Write it your damn self
Right. Harassment won't get you a story. Many authors here have a project or two they are currently working on. And, many authors have a "list" of projects they want to do. Just because someone says they will consider your story it doens't mean they'll have a finished product in a couple hours (or a couple days even). Also, on your old thread, we tried to get ideas from you since it's your REQUEST. To say you want a "group sex" story of you and a couple of girls from school doesn't tell us much. Read some of the story IDEAS (different than a request) here. See what details other thread starters give. See the feedback they get from us.