I wish I'd had more sex, with more variety, and more often


Literotica Guru
Aug 18, 2006
I just need to say that I wish I'd been less inhibited, and taken advantage of opportunities for sex, both straight and gay, that came my way. I had people come on to me, who wanted to have sex with me, but for whatever reason I passed. I had gay and straight bosses hit on me, bisexual roommates, people who picked me up hitch hiking, etc....
I also wish I'd come out to my wife, so I could be true to myself and get laid more often with many more people including perhaps some of her gay friends.
So many regrets over lost opportunities. Advice to younger friends, especially LGBTQ friends: come out. Be true to yourself and open about your self, your tastes and your needs. Fuck and suck a lot. You won't be young forever
I wish I’d taken advantage of living in NYC when I was in my 20s knowing now what I’d didn’t know then. I wish I’d had some same sex experiences, experiences with trans, and 3somes.
I wish I’d had more opportunities when I was younger — or been better aware of them, anyway. Even now I don’t know that I’d pick up on someone being interested in me for real, to be honest.
I was raised with a lot of fear around anything that could be considered anything less than perfect. My job was to get perfect grades, get an advanced degree, get a job, get married and father grandchildren for my parents that they hardly ever see. So I grew up extremely sexphobic.

I didn’t want to get married, but I was pressured if not outright forced not only to marry a lazy, selfish, narcissistic bully but had no choice but to stay with her until she left me for someone else.

If I had it to do all over again at 18, I would have ignored the pressure from my parents and gone far away for college, majored in accounting, and explored gay sex. I would have learned to eat right and be a good sexual partner. I would have stayed single and had regular partners I met on Craigslist.
I just need to say that I wish I'd been less inhibited, and taken advantage of opportunities for sex, both straight and gay, that came my way. I had people come on to me, who wanted to have sex with me, but for whatever reason I passed. I had gay and straight bosses hit on me, bisexual roommates, people who picked me up hitch hiking, etc....
I also wish I'd come out to my wife, so I could be true to myself and get laid more often with many more people including perhaps some of her gay friends.
So many regrets over lost opportunities. Advice to younger friends, especially LGBTQ friends: come out. Be true to yourself and open about your self, your tastes and your needs. Fuck and suck a lot. You won't be young forever

I say this in the spirit of what you've put down.....

I've been thinking more and more as I get older that I really don't want to be some bitter old 60+yo guy who resents not having done half the sexual things that I've imagined over my life... and in reality I'm now not that far off 60. Closer to 60 than 30.

A lot of what has me most curious and horny these days is bisexual/trans desires... But instead of doing, I sit here fantasising...
Same here. I sometimes lie in bed and think of the chances I missed, going all the way back to my teen years. I'm 60 now. Still kick myself over some of those missed chances.
You know, you still have a lot of years left to do whatever the hell you want to do. Make up for lost time, starting now!
Ah, yes, the hell of missed opportunities. Like turning down the guy who asked to give me a blowjob because I was afraid of what it might mean about me.
...or the guy that offered me a bj when I was 16!!!! I can relate. Youth is wasted on the young!
Ah, yes, the hell of missed opportunities. Like turning down the guy who asked to give me a blowjob because I was afraid of what it might mean about me.
Sitting in my dorm room with a guy who was throwing off huge vibes about wanting to do that but I was afraid my friends would find out.

Add to that not having sex with a girl I'd have crawled through molten glass for because we were drunk and if she really wanted it she'd do it sober. She didn't. In fact, we didn't speak to each other for a year.

Not having sex with a same-aged niece when it was clear it could happen. She was the one who backed out because she was married, though.

And more...
I just need to say that I wish I'd been less inhibited, and taken advantage of opportunities for sex, both straight and gay, that came my way. I had people come on to me, who wanted to have sex with me, but for whatever reason I passed. I had gay and straight bosses hit on me, bisexual roommates, people who picked me up hitch hiking, etc....
I also wish I'd come out to my wife, so I could be true to myself and get laid more often with many more people including perhaps some of her gay friends.
So many regrets over lost opportunities. Advice to younger friends, especially LGBTQ friends: come out. Be true to yourself and open about your self, your tastes and your needs. Fuck and suck a lot. You won't be young forever
I wish you were closer to NJ
I don't know that I ever passed an opportunity except maybe when I was a teen. But at that time and in the area where I live, the last thing you wanted was to known as a queer. When I got a little older I had a couple of guys pass when I offered to give them a blowjob.
I just need to say that I wish I'd been less inhibited, and taken advantage of opportunities for sex, both straight and gay, that came my way. I had people come on to me, who wanted to have sex with me, but for whatever reason I passed. I had gay and straight bosses hit on me, bisexual roommates, people who picked me up hitch hiking, etc....
I also wish I'd come out to my wife, so I could be true to myself and get laid more often with many more people including perhaps some of her gay friends.
So many regrets over lost opportunities. Advice to younger friends, especially LGBTQ friends: come out. Be true to yourself and open about your self, your tastes and your needs. Fuck and suck a lot. You won't be young forever
I completely agree with you. I go crazy thinking about all the super-hot sex I passed up in my life. Would have, could have and should have are thoughts that will just depress you, the point is to look forward and make the best of the time you have left.
I just need to say that I wish I'd been less inhibited, and taken advantage of opportunities for sex, both straight and gay, that came my way. I had people come on to me, who wanted to have sex with me, but for whatever reason I passed. I had gay and straight bosses hit on me, bisexual roommates, people who picked me up hitch hiking, etc....
I also wish I'd come out to my wife, so I could be true to myself and get laid more often with many more people including perhaps some of her gay friends.
So many regrets over lost opportunities. Advice to younger friends, especially LGBTQ friends: come out. Be true to yourself and open about your self, your tastes and your needs. Fuck and suck a lot. You won't be young forever
Well said
I say this in the spirit of what you've put down.....

I've been thinking more and more as I get older that I really don't want to be some bitter old 60+yo guy who resents not having done half the sexual things that I've imagined over my life... and in reality I'm now not that far off 60. Closer to 60 than 30.

A lot of what has me most curious and horny these days is bisexual/trans desires... But instead of doing, I sit here fantasising...
Well, you know what they say, you can never go back so go forward. Worst case scenario is you don't like it! 1 experience doesn't make you gay or bi 4 life ...
I say this in the spirit of what you've put down.....

I've been thinking more and more as I get older that I really don't want to be some bitter old 60+yo guy who resents not having done half the sexual things that I've imagined over my life... and in reality I'm now not that far off 60. Closer to 60 than 30.

A lot of what has me most curious and horny these days is bisexual/trans desires... But instead of doing, I sit here fantasising...
My advice is to try it and find out now whether you like it or not, better to swing and miss than never swing at all...
There is no easy answer but if you plan carefully you should be able to enable your dark side to do what it likes /wants/ needs and still keep your family life intact. Patience is necessary & will help immensely
Find someone here in same boat. Where are you and can you get away for 2 hours or longer without setting off an alarm ? If you find someone who is 1 hour away you have 60 minutes of traveling time each and 60 minutes to satisfy yourselves. Sounds so easy doesn't it ? Good luck & stay in touch unless of course this plan doesn't work and I have to meet you myself ! Kidding of course. I'll meet you in AC !
If I had my time over again, I would've told every woman I met (romantically), that I was bi. Except I didn't realise I was until I was 66, ten years ago.