I want my cats vocal cords removed


Jun 8, 2000
Is this possible? I've never heard of it being done, but there's lots of things I've never heard of. Anybody know?
Why? Because he's very loud. Anyone I've spoken to on the phone knows this very well. But I have to live with it. He wakes me up at night just to scream in my ear! He's the loudest cat I've ever encountered. He has no volume control. At all.
spank him. it works with one of the cats here.

he'll love you for it.
Yes there is such a thing. Never heard of it being done to a cat, but in dogs it's called hushing. They sever some or all of the animals vocal cords. If you ever hear a dog that sounds like it has laryngitis, that's probably why. Personally I think it's a cruel and barbaric thing to do to an animal. Would be a good idea for some people, but not an animal. Just buy a small super soaker and spray him when he gets too noisy. It taught my cat to stay off my bed.
Y'all don't know my cat. Nothing has worked. Smacking, spanking, squirting, throwing, chasing, screaming, and yelling. The only things I haven't tried are an electric collar so I can shock him, and the surgery.

I wouldn't mind it so much if it just wasn't at top volume. All the time.

The other one figured out years ago that she had a volume switch. LOL She's softly burbling to me right now. Only because I have food though. ;)
Maybe you should just give the cat to someone who will love and care for it and not consider something so horrifically cruel.

Of course, maybe the cat feels the same way about you?
Then try the electric collar. I have friends who have sampled the jolt from them and they're not as cruel as they sound. Especially compared to the surgery. I understand that some people do it as a last resort to avoid having to give up their pet, but you should try to meet some dogs that have been hushed before you decide to do it to your cat. Just to see firsthand what it is you're proposing to do to him.
I am not what you consider a cat person infact I am a dog person, however I believe in not harming animals and I agree with Lady G. Have you considered that there might be someone better suited to handle him or maybe there is a reason for this behaviour.
Yes, there is a reason for his behavior. He likes to hear himself "talk", and has never learned to shut the fuck up. It truly is that simple.

Well, off to do my own research. Either no one here has heard of such a thing, or they're too scared to admit it.
They've heard of it. They're telling you their opinions. They may not be what you want to hear, but it is what you asked for.

Personally, I agree with them. I think that undertaking such a serious operation solely because the meowing is annoying you is selfish and cruel.

Give some thought to finding the cat a home where his personality won't be so offensive to people. At the VERY least talk to a veteranian about some other options.
Actually, April, people here HAVE heard of it. You're just ignoring the fact because what they're saying is contrary to what you want to hear.

"Yes, I've had that done with my cat. It worked wonders! I would recommend it to anyone with a cat that makes any kind of noise that bothers them. Cat hushers, unite!"

I agree with everyone else, by the way. Your cat is just acting the way he is, and if you can't handle it, then give him to someone who can, rather than rip out or cut his vocal chords. That is just cruel punishment that will only make life easier for you, not for him. Very selfish.

*edited to add*

Looks like Nora and I came along at the same time, with the same stuff to say.
Inconvenience? Ha. You truly don't have a clue. This is the cat from hell.

Anyway, since apparently I'm in a bitchy mood, I'll throw out this question/observation: How is this any worse or different that ripping a cat's claws out? How is it different from removing whole organs from a cat in the name of "population control"? They're both for people's convenience, not cats. Cats would be more than happy to retain their claws and parts so they can fornicate, fight, and hunt at will.

Regardless, I was looking for facts, not opinons and judgements. Would I actually do it? Hell no. If anyone had bothered to ask instead of jumping, that's the answer they would have gotten.

Yeah, well, whatever. I lost my train of thought. Thanks cat. :rolleyes:
If convenience had been a priority, I would have taken him back to the fucking pet shop right after he tried to get us both killed in traffic!