Hidden Easter Eggs in Literotica Stories


Sweet 'n' Sexy
Dec 1, 2023
Hey, Literotica Readers! I just wanted to let you all know that some of the authors have done a series of "What I Wrote and Why" stories (the Literotica population at large may not be aware of this). You can click HERE to see them all.

Anyway, I thought that I would post one of mine in case any readers wanted a "behind the scenes" look into a writer's mind.

Jumble of Complete Nonsense

I've heard what other authors think, but please let me know what YOU think! Thank you!!
These WIWAWs cover a wide range of topics, by the way. There are analyses of stories, from style and word choice to symbolism and point of view. Some provide backgrounds to a particular story or character. Others explain the writer's journey: how they came to write, either in general or specifically here on Literotica. And some explain the author's approach to writing, or their style.

Check them out if you want to know how the sausage is made, or why the sausage was made in the first place, or what happens to the sausage once someone gets their hands on it.