I want a pool table for my cave



A nine foot, slate bed, hardwood, leather-pocket motherfucker. I love shopping for guy stuff. :D
A nine foot, slate bed, hardwood, leather-pocket motherfucker. I love shopping for guy stuff. :D

leather pockets are cool, but i'd rather have a ball-return system
My table is a 60's vintage Gandy regulation size slate top. I paid $2.50 for it. I had to buy two to get that price. I gave the second one away.
A nine foot, slate bed, hardwood, leather-pocket motherfucker. I love shopping for guy stuff. :D

I was just thinking about this, putting a pool table right smack in my living room!! But then, people would p;robably want to come over...cant have that
My table

My table is a 60's vintage Gandy regulation size slate top. I paid $2.50 for it. I had to buy two to get that price. I gave the second one away.

When I bought my last house, the previous owner turned one of the bedrooms into a pool room.

Left and 8ft slate with leather pockets. Had to put it in the contract and pay a $1.00 for it.

Moved it to the basement and over the years it had been a lot of fun.

Not it's in the house where the ex lives.