I wanna go plant shopping today

I bought a Majesty Palm last week, and like the fish said, the lack of humidity is drying it up fast. But it's 5 feet tall and so beautiful...
This is a bamboo palm... looks nice.

I can't wait until spring when I can get my hands in the earth again.

Morning, Storm. :)
Hey, sexy.

I know the feeling. I've been in a plant kinda mood lately. I also got a Sago palm and a Pygmy date palm last week, and they're great indoors. But that damn Majesty is pissing me off.
I want a bonsai too, and something nice for the office, but someone won't let me get one from a regular store and demands to pick it out herself...
storm1969 said:
I want a bonsai too, and something nice for the office, but someone won't let me get one from a regular store and demands to pick it out herself...

Have you thought about a small humidifier for the same room as the palm? Keeping a small, electric coffee pot or tea kettle plugged in (full of water) might produced enough evaporation to help too.

Lowes stores have better than average plants, for a chain store. Many of the plants even come with money back guarantees. You just have to ask.
*goddess*emi* said:
Have you thought about a small humidifier for the same room as the palm? Keeping a small, electric coffee pot or tea kettle plugged in (full of water) might produced enough evaporation to help too.

Lowes stores have better than average plants, for a chain store. Many of the plants even come with money back guarantees. You just have to ask.

We have three going in the house, and a dog that fogs up the windows. Where we are, it's just too damn dry in the winter. Plus our house has wood everywhere, which sucks up moisture.

Thanks for the Lowes suggestion!
Me too, a houseplant killer, I can keep the garden plants alive though.

Right now I am hanging on to a plant I killed in late December, hoping I can bring it back to life..
Soblue said:
Me too, a houseplant killer, I can keep the garden plants alive though.

Right now I am hanging on to a plant I killed in late December, hoping I can bring it back to life..

Show it your tits.
Rubyfruit said:
Is anybody else kicking themselves in the butt for not planting bulbs last fall?

I put in a bunch of tulips last fall. If the squirrels didn't eat them all, I should have a good show in a couple months :)
Oh, take pictures, Soblue!

Guru, my creamy white ass is practically begging for some attention. How did you know?

I think they do eat them Guru. All of mine in the front yard are gone.

Ruby, I will take some pics.
Storm, I was concerned about you when I saw this thread title. It's too soon for most of y'all to be getting OUTSIDE plants. I am relieved that you're talking about indoor plants.

Down here we have "winter" flowers and "summer" flowers. The pansies are gorgeous right now, but won't last after about March. It's nearly time to start working the roses. I had some bloom about a week ago, bless their hearts. But I'm rubbish with indoor live things. Bringing them into my home is a death sentence.