

Oct 9, 2001
Yes or no.

Any experience with the newer devices?

What does it feel like?

Can you or your lover feel it during sex?

Has it effected your health in any way?

Do tell,

IUD...review by Kurt Loaded, Rolling Stoner

Their first album, "Freedom To Fuck" has that raw driven energy and sense of possibility about it that made you want to spread your wings and go all night.


Mine kept squirting out of my tip every time I blew my load. You know, you can put an eye out with one of those things!
I looked into the new ones briefly when the doc told me I couldn't wear a diaphragm (ok, wayyyyy TMI. Sorry) and what I read I didn't care for. If it's something you're even half-serious about, do a LOT of reading on it.

Personally, I found the risks involved with them were still unacceptable with all of the alternatives on the market.

btw, *smoooooch* =)
Rubyfruit said:
Yes or no.

Any experience with the newer devices?

What does it feel like?

Can you or your lover feel it during sex?

Has it effected your health in any way?

Do tell,


I have an IUD, I'm guessing it's a newer style... (plastic curved top, copper coil). I can't feel it while it's in there, I often forget I have it. When I had it put in, I felt a bit of a pinch, nothing too horrible, almost like a really deep PAP. I spotted for a few days after, but had no problems after that. My ex used to complain that he hit the strings, but I really don't know. You can feel the strings if you're masturbating, fingers inside. So far there have been no adverse effects on my health, I've had it for 15 months. I like it because you don't really have to worry about it much. I check for the strings every time I shower, and clean very well. Apparently there is a risk of getting a bad infection due to bacteria travelling up the strings and into the uterus.

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!

Hey, girl!

I'm just FULL of recent info on this subject! At 40, my whole body changed and harmone-based birth control was a nightmare - contstant bleeding - and it sucked.

So...after trying different strength birth control pills to no avail, and using condoms for a year, I started looking for other options. Because harmones screwed with me so badly, I couldn't use the new "ring" and Depo was out, too. My doctor, a young woman that I just love, suggested the IUD. I immediately said "no way" based on what I'd heard about the IUDs of the 70s.

She assured me they were "new & improved" and I took the brochures home and did some homework. There are actually a few theads around here about them - mixed imput, tho.

Anyway, this is my story: The insertion hurt like HELL. I've had uterine and cervical biopsies before and this was the worse thing I've ever been through. After that, I bleed almost constantly for 2 months - even the "light" days were much more than normal spotting, and the heavy days were insane. I lost 15 pounds (which is a good side effect!) and felt like shit.

But...3 months later, my periods are relatively normal (3 light days and 3 heavy days, but pretty heavy cramping). Lover can't feel a thing - so that's not an issue.

Overall, it's working. It was less than $200 and will last for 10 years, so that's good. I think if you know what to expect, you can at least make a better decision. I was bleeding every day on the pill, so that side effect didn't deter me - as long as I knew there was an end in site.

I'm harmone free, don't worry about pregnancy and am feeling myself again, plus I've lost some weight. I say talk to your doctor, talk to your friends, and read, read, read.


I had an ex gf that loved it. Had no problems in the time I knew her!
I am completely against D.U.I. There is certainly no excuse for that lack of personal responsibility.
Guru said:

So, an IUD is probably not great for those more well-endowed men.

Um...sorry...but my "well-endowed" lover has had no problem whatsoever. I'd say that your partner needs to have hers checked!
