i smell quite bad right now.

I'm working on it. It's already in the 80s (1019 PDT) and I have to get some yard work done. Taking a water and laundry break. :)

And, I'll shower later and go see "Trek" in the Park and have a picnic.
Cleanliness is next to Godliness, so lack of cleanliness is next to a lack of Godliness. Or something.

P.s. Frangible!!
Cleanliness is next to Godliness, so lack of cleanliness is next to a lack of Godliness. Or something.

P.s. Frangible!!

God didn't have to do physical work.

And mine is clean sweat and feels good! I sit at work so can't work up a sweat there... .Well, unless I'm taking a hormonal vacation to desert climates.
I should try stinking like onion, it would be a welcome change from stinking like garlic. We have been eating Tzatziki every day for two weeks. Cucumber season has to end soon!
I should try stinking like onion, it would be a welcome change from stinking like garlic. We have been eating Tzatziki every day for two weeks. Cucumber season has to end soon!

cucumber season is not allowed to end!
i think i might smell like irish spring soon. the blue kind.

also, old spice deodorant.

and probably still a little bit like onions. those fuckers are persistent.
i think i might smell like irish spring soon. the blue kind.

also, old spice deodorant.

and probably still a little bit like onions. those fuckers are persistent.

funny, i use both of those

but i prefer the green irish spring
and the o.s. deodorant i use is the 'pure sport' version. cuz i'm sporty
I should try stinking like onion, it would be a welcome change from stinking like garlic. We have been eating Tzatziki every day for two weeks. Cucumber season has to end soon!

MMMM. Garlic. They good side of smelling like garlic is that mosquitoes don't like it.
I live in the subtropics.