I promise...


Deliciously Immoral
Aug 13, 2002
Summery, you have my word.

Thank you my friend. :heart:

I truly treasure our friendship more than you know.

No worries, love. ;)

I :heart: you, Kalypso.

Storm~ If I remember correctly, it had something to do with stuffed animals.:D
Summery said:
I :heart: you, Kalypso.

Storm~ If I remember correctly, it had something to do with stuffed animals.:D

YOU!! are in SOOOOOOOOOOO much trouble!! :p
Hmmm ok Kaly, I promise not to tell Summery that you told me.... ermmm oops :D
But, but, I know the secret!

I'm in trouble?

Hmm.... I just want to know if it involves spankings?
Summery said:
But, but, I know the secret!

I'm in trouble?

Hmm.... I just want to know if it involves spankings?

Yup...and caramel...I'm substituting it for the hot wax...all the better to lick...oooooooh!
Kalypso said:
Yup...and caramel...I'm substituting it for the hot wax...all the better to lick...oooooooh!

Oh no! That reminds me of the Karamel Sutra ice cream.

If there's a finer ass than Caly's on Earth, I'd like to see it.
storm1969 said:
You scream?

Depends...sometimes I beg.

Thanks Miles! ;)

Summery...I'm off for my nightly ritual! Mwah!
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Summery said:
Oh no! That reminds me of the Karamel Sutra ice cream.


I'm sooo sorry. When I go camping again this summer back in Vermont I will complain for you!

I hate it when there's no creamy center!!