i need something valued


aint giving a munkys nuts
Apr 1, 2002
i have to get some finances together and am currently selling some of my stuff off.

i have come across my old comic collection and have decided to sell them. however i do not know what they are worth. does anyone have any knoledge on this subject or any info on who,how i can get them valued (preferably online) they might be worth sod all but id like to find out first.

i can supply a list when needed
YOu could try searching e bay to get a sense for the "real" value.

Also, take them to an antique dealer.

Best of luck to you

If you are planning on selling them all then sell them as a lot, especially if it is to a dealer. Otherwise people will just pick out the best ones and leave you with all the unsaleable stuff.
tried selling on ebay with no luck.

amazon i'll try out but pricing is aquward as no one seems to have similar collection to me

been to a comic shop but forbidden planet are too big and dont buy. cardiff doesnt have any other comic shops apart from that.

there must be somewher online that i can give a list and then they tell me what its worth. :(

i love being skint
My mother, god bless her, threw out all the ones I had saved over the years. Probably would have been worth a small fortune!

You could try looking for comic book shops on-line and see if they take 2nd hand ones. They may be able to give you an estimate of their value. However you have to bear in mind their condition and age and how they've been stored.
You could also try a comics collector magazine (Forbiden Planet should stock them) to give you an idea of the price and dealers. Also keep an eye out for comic conventions - they do happen in the UK.
Don't listen to 'em wiz, ask that northern bloke with the orange make up, off the telly. I bet he knows all about that chat.
If it is a older collection, expect to be surprised comics and cards continue to grow in value over time. It just depends on the Publisher, and the name of the book of which you are looking. Yes, ebay can be used. But this comic store online is also a great, and easy way to see the actual worth of a good collection. In my younger years I went to many comic shows, and even got to see the great Stan Lee.

Although this isn't my favorite site, it will among other things give you an idea of worth.
Mile High Comics

I know I have been surprised over the years as I bought "The Tick" #1 in a comic store in Hawaii, many years ago, and that it is over $60. Which is good for an investment of only a $1.00. Which stocks had that kind of return sometimes. Good Luck, and lastly try to go to a comic store or a bookstore and see if they have a copy of the latest price guide. This will detail how comics are valued, and give you current worth of the more popular worth. Think of it as a NADA, or Kelley Blue Book of comics, whereas the latter are price guides for cars.

Contacting the comic company can also supply you with information that you need.
District Line said:
Don't listen to 'em wiz, ask that northern bloke with the orange make up, off the telly. I bet he knows all about that chat.

I doubt David Dickinson will have either the time, or knowledge to deal with wizbit's comics :D
I have a Senna Honda McLaren photo autographed and authenticated by Honda correspondence to me from an F1 race at which I was their guest. It's hanging at the cottage and needs valuation for insurance purposes again.

Please look into that for me while you're at it, won't you?


ridddder said:

Although this isn't my favorite site, it will among other things give you an idea of worth.
Mile High Comics


cheers i have emailed them and await the outcome.

david dickinson would not have a clue i have a feeling. :D