I need search experts help and maybe the help of the elder generation


Super xVirgin Man
Jan 2, 2002
My landlord was cleaning out some stuff and I got to lay dibs on first pick through before it was taken to the salvation army for donations.

well I grabbed something I am going to sell on Ebay or think I can sell on Ebay

In my searches I can't find a picture of them so I will deswcibe them

I think they are beard trimmers or shavers but very old.

The cutting head looks like that of an electrick razor with the blade that runs across the stationary comb but instead of the body of an electric shaver it has two handles like handle on a scissor that opporate the moving balde to cut the hair/whiskers

Two of them are made by brand name "Priests Proffesional" made in U.S.A and the other is made by brand name "Brown & Sharpe MFG. Co. Providence" made in USA.

The Brown and Sharpe has a Bressant Trade Mark label on the blade guard plate.

If some one can find info and pictures of these can you please post a link.

To me they look something like what would be used in a barber shop.

thanks in advance, Todd .
This is just a guess on my part but I suspect that the tools you have weren't used in the barber biz. Brown & Sharpe started out making tools for the cotton processing business so it's very possible that the tools you have were used to trim cotton instead of hair.

There is a link to the history of the company:

I'll see what else I can find.
i am not so sure about that ma_guy they were in a bag full of barber equipment and looks more for shaving the way it was packaged, but then I don't really know, they didn't show any pictures on your site.