I need a new av.

I'm thinking, in bed, inviting pose, but covered by the sheet drawn up between your legs. A wicked smile.
pretty_lil_stranger said:
Sounds intriguing, except for two things. It would require me putting sheets on my bed (okay, that wouldn't be the end of the world, lol), and it would require my face to be in the picture. No faces. :)

Why no face?
pretty_lil_stranger said:
Sounds intriguing, except for two things. It would require me putting sheets on my bed (okay, that wouldn't be the end of the world, lol), and it would require my face to be in the picture. No faces. :)

Compromise, replace the sheet with a towel, and the grin with a crooked finger. :)
lol, Av's were way too much of Juspar, Van doesn't want that.
My picture was taken just last week, b'god! I think I look quite statesmen-like in it, you follow?
pretty_lil_stranger said:
Now that everyone has an ass in their av, I'm bored wtih mine. Any input on what I should do instead?

A seated pic...with your legs and arms arranged so you can show what you want and hide what you want. Face turned away or in shadows.
I've just changed my av so that myself and others might be able to view pls's ass now and in the future.

You can thank me later.
Go with the shadowed or covered face if you can. If not, cut it off, don't digitally obscure it.
I'mVan said:
Go with the shadowed or covered face if you can. If not, cut it off, don't digitally obscure it.

Agrees with I'mVan...don't care for digitally obscured pics. Takes away from the pic.
Sit in a chair with your body faceing the camera. Use your hands and your arms to cover whatever you don't want to be seen, or just spread it wide! Then throw your head back over the chair back. Or if that is too much, just crop the pic at your neck.
pretty_lil_stranger said:
ROFL! It certainly wasn't just you, darlin! (I DO like the new av, though....)

Every little bit helps. ;)

Thanks. :0)