I must have finally made it to total ignore

You just haven't captured my attention yet. I am reading though. Just wanted to break the dry spell....:D
You're just in a slump. It'll pass. Besides, one was a question for Marxist, it doesn't count.;)
loveyamon said:
You just haven't captured my attention yet. I am reading though. Just wanted to break the dry spell....:D

What captures your attention, maybe I can pull something out of the hat that may be interesting to both in the future
Don't worry, Todd, nobody ever replies to my threads either. Not that I've started one in over a year, but people still aren't replying to them!
Harbinger said:
You're just in a slump. It'll pass. Besides, one was a question for Marxist, it doesn't count.;)

I know I don't like slumps, I am so used to a fast page worth of knejerk replies when I post boortz and that is a simple 5 sec clip copy and paste

the things I take time to actually think out, flesh out, think about andput all in my own words don't get any. It's like I truely hit the cord of reality or they are so far off that not even worth acknowledging, and I am well within the range of Redwave and hanshole left and right .

I guess The season isn't starting out to well.
Renegade said:
Don't worry, Todd, nobody ever replies to my threads either. Not that I've started one in over a year, but people still aren't replying to them!

your probably right, Renegade
Todd-'o'-Vision said:
What captures your attention, maybe I can pull something out of the hat that may be interesting to both in the future


Pop Culture


Female Anatomy


That should be enough to get the wheels a spinnin...

Hi, darlin'.:kiss:

I do notice your threads...I just never have much to comment about.

I guess I could always post "nice shoes".;)
loveyamon said:

Pop Culture


Female Anatomy


That should be enough to get the wheels a spinnin...


I'll take "Female Anatomy" for 500, Todd.