I made a deal with the devil.

Stop watching movies "starring" Ralph Macchio.

That's the first step to recovery.
I remember the daniel webster story

And that devil went down to georgia song, and the movie a few years back with brendon fraiser, and liz hurley in it saying about the same thing. Which the moral of that story is basically thus.....you can't sell something that you don't really own. Yes, I know the devil is omnipotent, and can control many things, but I fear this is not one of them.

Damn, and I bet that dollar bought you a good gumball too......FUCK!!!!
The Squid King said:
Thanks for trying to cheer me up, but my friend really did commit suicide to save me, and now the guilt is tearing me apart from the inside out.

Your either a very sick sick freak who picked a fucked up topic to joke about... or you must be smokin something, and I mean something GOooooooooooooooooood to think that the devil "Buys" souls. Sorry if your friend commited suicide, but I highly doubt the devil had anything to do with it.
I always preferred The Devil Went Down To Jamaica

Personally, if I actually controlled the almighty dollar, if I was the unseen power behind the much-worshipped mammon, I'd work through proxies and front organizations and buy out a controlling interest in the Devil. I'm sure he made an IPO back in '99 or '00

But how do the wolves fit in, again?
The Squid King said:

I used a metaphor to explain the truth. If you read into it, you may figure out who the devil is and who the wolves are.

Christ dude, Im a fucking idiot.. Spell it out for me in little words
The Squid King said:

I used a metaphor to explain the truth. If you read into it, you may figure out who the devil is and who the wolves are.

Drugs, I gather?