I love older men

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I asked out that co worker I like in his 60s & he said his granddaughter is 2yr older then me so he cant think that way about me :(

I asked him to see Scary Movie 5 w/ me when I asked him out & I guess he told this other man we work w/ whose like 45 & he came over & asked me if I want to go to the movie w/him! Im excited I hope he touch my tits in the thearter, its 1 of my fantasy.
I had a (close) female friend who confessed to me that she had always wanted to be with older guys, :rolleyes:

needless to say, our conversations were rather sexually charged and she did end up fucking me a few times even though we're nearly the same age. :D
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Hey Adora blu what a strange coincidence about sexual fantasies in the movie theatre. I was dating a 49 year old beauty in 2009 (I was 11 years older than her) and she told me one of her fantasies was playing with each other in a movie theatre. We did that. We took in an afternoon matinee. She looked gorgeous in tight fitting jeans. We held hands, I tickled her palms and then started rubbing her thighs. She opened up wide and let me feel her hotness through her jeans. She started rubbing my cock through my jeans. She was wearing a floral blouse and I could see her nipples peeking through her blouse. My cock was busting...

I was sticky and she was wet. I can't recall what the name of the movie was??? lol
They definitely can have an allure. My husband is 9 yrs older than me and it wasn't that he was older that attracted me, but being older gave him qualities I found attractive. Most men I find attractive are typically older. I suppose this can extend to fetishism if one thinks of being with an older man for the sake of flouting social convention...someone my step-dad's age or something like that.
i must say, as a young woman who can't get enough of old men...i find this thread so exciting! it feels so good to be around those who understand the excitement of older men to young women. that being said, i'd love some advice/experience from you all. until now, i have only fucked men around 40-45, but have been itching to try older...ideally 70s-80s. i met a 70 year old man who is kinky, horny, everything i fantasize about when i'm stroking my pussy by myself. i'm nervous to take the leap. we have been talking over the internet and i just know he'd give me orgasms i've only dreamed of...but it's a big step to fuck a man almost 50 years older than me. any advice?

Damn!!! Damn!!! Damn!!! I wish I had found the thread long ago. It is sure great to find sweet young ladies that want us older guys, especially since my wife could care less about sex and I'd fuck a sign-post and be pissed if it dodn't respond likewise, lol. :devil:

Kaliandy, I would encourage you to take that step, but also caution you to use the safeguards needed for meeting someone on the Internet. There are some preditors out there, even, though they seem to be the younger guys. However, that doesn't mean there is not an older one that hasn't been caught yet.

I can assure you and anyone else in here that I would love to show you how much is left in an almost 70 year old guy. I am also agreeable to the necessary safety precautions of a meeting with an online lover. I have met a few and it has been worth it to make sure they are comfortable before we fuck like minks!!!!!
They definitely can have an allure. My husband is 9 yrs older than me and it wasn't that he was older that attracted me, but being older gave him qualities I found attractive. Most men I find attractive are typically older. I suppose this can extend to fetishism if one thinks of being with an older man for the sake of flouting social convention...someone my step-dad's age or something like that.
Yes we arew sexy aren't we????? Sometimes more than others. Love the avatar(s) dear.
They definitely can have an allure. My husband is 9 yrs older than me and it wasn't that he was older that attracted me, but being older gave him qualities I found attractive. Most men I find attractive are typically older. I suppose this can extend to fetishism if one thinks of being with an older man for the sake of flouting social convention...someone my step-dad's age or something like that.

Would such a young couple be truly interested in an older couple?
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