I love older men

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Older men are my number one fantasy... sadly enough, I've never been with one. :(
I'm 18 years old, yet I can't seem to find an older guy with which to satisfy my cravings... Anywhere from 30-55... that's usually what gets me going.
Older men are my number one fantasy... sadly enough, I've never been with one. :(
I'm 18 years old, yet I can't seem to find an older guy with which to satisfy my cravings... Anywhere from 30-55... that's usually what gets me going.

I'm thinkin you are going to have a warehouse full of daddy's lining up now! :nana:
Older men are my number one fantasy... sadly enough, I've never been with one. :(
I'm 18 years old, yet I can't seem to find an older guy with which to satisfy my cravings... Anywhere from 30-55... that's usually what gets me going.

Welcome, LL -- you've come to the right place. :kiss:
Good morning room. I hope you approve of the new profile pic my Mistress had me put up.

Awesome pic CB....

Okay Sexy Peeps I am totally back to normal after some TLCT as it turns out I just needed to totally vent. And for the record I don't mind being short... somtimes it puts me in just the right spots...I have no complaints.... Thanks for making my misery bearable... much love.....
well you sweet little thing you let me worry about that. the real question is can you handle all of the orgasms I will give you?

Hm... promises, promises... I've only cum a handful of times by someone else's hand... I'm a hard one to crack ;)
Hm... promises, promises... I've only cum a handful of times by someone else's hand... I'm a hard one to crack ;)

well its hard to ask some bumbling 19 year old to do what I have spent longer then they have been alive perfecting. ;)
well its hard to ask some bumbling 19 year old to do what I have spent longer then they have been alive perfecting. ;)

Mm, you're sounding more and more appealing.. such a tease that you don't live down the street, or I'd be sneaking over to make you prove those things to me. ;)
Hm... promises, promises... I've only cum a handful of times by someone else's hand... I'm a hard one to crack ;)
Gaunlent thrown down & accepted. I brought an ex-so to 10 orgasms by hand, when she didn't belive I could do it. She had to be pealed off ghe bed. My wife didn't believe me until I gave her 5 in one setting. #he also had to be pealed off our bed. Next da they both blamed me for them walking funny. As warl0ck1 said; " Us old guys have forgetten more about sex then them young bucks know." PS I'-3 &!-3"mt had sex in so long I forget who gets tied up!
Gaunlent thrown down & accepted. I brought an ex-so to 10 orgasms by hand, when she didn't belive I could do it. She had to be pealed off ghe bed. My wife didn't believe me until I gave her 5 in one setting. #he also had to be pealed off our bed. Next da they both blamed me for them walking funny. As warl0ck1 said; " Us old guys have forgetten more about sex then them young bucks know." PS I'-3 &!-3"mt had sex in so long I forget who gets tied up!

oh both wear ropes it just makes it easier that way. unfortunately for my wife I am a fisherman so I know my knots.;).

lovelyLuna. have you ever passed out from an orgasm?

have you ever had a lover keep you just at the edge of one for so long you forgot your name?

these things I know and have done to woman. I was talented at 19 only because my lover at the time as 11 years older then me and taught me how to please. I love the female body and more I love to bring it pleasure. what I lack in youthful exuberance I have gained in wisdom.
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