I like Ships too

That was East Germany's embarrassment. Here's the US Navy's:


it looks like the architect was looking at pictures of the Monitor and Merrimac for inspiration for this one.
it looks like the architect was looking at pictures of the Monitor and Merrimac for inspiration for this one.

Wasn't the first submarine, way back in the civil war, pretty much a can with a bomb on a stick?
The original one and done.
Wasn't the first submarine, way back in the civil war, pretty much a can with a bomb on a stick?
The original one and done.

The first submarine used in war was Bushnell's Turtle, used during the revolution, I think ... with Sgt Ezra Lee at the controls ..
There are two types of sailors, those who have been aground and those that will be aground.

They knew you were a friendly. Otherwise you wouldn't be here.

My knowledge is 30 years out of date; but, that wasn't my experience.

In the early 80s, we launched flares so the skimmers and planes could find us. Maybe the tech has caught up and evened the playing field in the hunt for subs.