I like Ships too

More stupid from the Klimate Krazies.

Why is it that we're not told that there has now been NO SIGNIFICANT GLOBAL WARMING for more than eighteen (18+) years?

Yet, there is significant open water.
More boaty than shippy.

Yacht race planned from New York to Victoria -- by way of the Arctic

So build in Sidney B.C. and shipped to New York? Shake down cruise via Panama? There are some other details that sound...odd.

My former boss, who fancies himself rather nautical, lives there. I'll ring him up.


French tall ship Hermione set to repeat Lafayette's trans-Atlantic voyage


Replica Of Lafayette's Ship Re-Creates Historic Voyage To America

by Eleanor Beardsley

...Hundreds of American towns, streets and parks are named after the Marquis de Lafayette — the French general who came in 1780 to help George Washington in the struggle for independence.

Now, an exact replica of the general's ship is sailing across the Atlantic Ocean, retracing Lafayette's voyage.

The magnificent "tall ship" is anchored in the waters off the coast of Fouras in western France...

...It took 17 years to raise 26 million euros ($29 million) to build the Hermione. The vessel is constructed entirely using 18th-century shipbuilding methods and materials. Two thousand oak trees were harvested for its massive hull. Hundreds of ropes made of hemp and waterproofed with tar lead up to the ship's three masts, which stand 141 feet tall — or nearly half a football field...

...The Hermione is set to arrive on June 5 in Yorktown, Va., where in 1781 French and American troops won a decisive battle, captured 7,000 British soldiers, and turned the tide of the war. Lafayette's ship will sail up the east coast this summer, stopping in ports along the way...

The Lafayette's flag is modern French Republican, not the French Bourbon Royal Ensign it would have been in 1781.

The French Naval Ensign was all white prior to 1789.
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The Lafayette's flag is modern French Republican, not the French Bourbon Royal Ensign it would have been in 1781.

The French Naval Ensign was all white prior to 1789.

Bravo! You have, once again, displayed your erudition and your attention to detail.

I regret that I do not know whether there might be considerations in respect of current maritime law or regulations.


Bravo! You have, once again, displayed your erudition and your attention to detail.

I regret that I do not know whether there might be considerations in respect of current maritime law or regulations.

The all-white French Bourbon Flag sometimes caused confusion because a white flag was also a traditional signal for a parley or truce (not a surrender! - but the parley could lead to a surrender). The way for a naval ship to surrender was to haul down her colours.

In Bourbon times no French ship except a naval vessel could display a white flag.

When the monarchy was twice briefly restored in the 19th Century the reappearance of the white naval flag caused confusion with other navies who were accustomed to the French Republican Tricolor which no French Royal ship would use.