I know it doesn't fit here, but its good for a laugh


Bad Doggie
Jul 13, 2009
I won't ramble along on this, but only state that as far as the following article is concerned, tell us something we didn't already know


This is my favorite part and makes me feel good to at least know that the fox viewers are happy imbeciles.

"Fox News' content is presented at an elementary school level and plays directly into the fears of the less educated and less intelligent."

The researchers said that an IQ of 80 is well above the score of 70, which is where psychiatrists diagnose mental retardation. P. Nichols says an IQ of 80 will not limit anyone's ability to lead happy, fulfilling lives.
It was taken from an onion article.

Read the comments, it's pretty funny.
I believe it

I talk to people everywhere I go and I can say this. The people who stick up for Fox are the dumbest of them all.

For the most part the working men and women here in north Florida are poor. They live in trailers that they can barely afford, drive trucks that get twelve miles per gallon, and brag about how proud they are of being to take it without complaint.

Bless their hearts, and the rich use them and throw them away like the trash that they brag about being.

And they are right wing to the extreme and warch Fox and listen to Rush.
Know what I would love to see?

A study done on the IQ of people that watch a lot of reality TV.

I don;t mean a show or two or an episode or two, but the ones who watch a lot of them.

I'm thinking below 80 for sure.
Birmingham, Alabama (PRWEB) December 04, 2012

This part had me cringing for a second. Anytime my cities name comes up it can't be a good thing. I saw that above and went 'Ah shit what the hell has this place done now?"

Admittedly nothing much would be a surprise.