i've noticed a change in CNN, one i find unhealthy but maybe it IS more middle-ground


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009
now it's their job to hold all accountable equally, and report the news as it hits, hold the heels of politiicians to the fire in the name of truth and clarity BUT there's definitely an anti-Biden slant to a lot of the reporting and opinions that appear (to me) more heavy-handed than warranted.

no, i do not expect cheerleading for him, far from it, just not so much of the negative phrasing i'm noticing and certainly a whole lot of 'the Whitehouse is not getting the message out' about covid, about the economy, about the new big bills. Personally, i'm not finding the messaging confusing and perhaps better editorial coverage of what exactly IS being done and by whom by the media would help the public rather than excessively negative reporting. It may well be they know a lot more about these things than i do...i'm just a consumer of their product along with many other news outlets. To cap it all, i'm seeing what amounts to an appeal to a broader audience (especially in the daytime) by a dumbed-down feel to the hosting, including talking points of a more right-wing nature. Maybe the intent is to play more to the middle ground, to a less-informed viewer than usual (which in itself is a good thing if handled responsibly and stupid not taking over) but it's a striking change to the normal programming. Management changes? A concrete decision to cater to the broader p.o.v? More vacuous comments tossed about by daytime hosts and an 'anti-joe' push by some of the evening guys? Maybe i'm just jaded. :rolleyes:

This was provoked by something i saw yesterday on CNN when they were discussing Vice President Kamala Harris: they spoke about 'dysfunction' and 'dissatisfaction' and even went so far as to state she was leaving her post as V.P. The guy being interviewed said he'd not heard that announced but he thought the issues were largely 'a thing' between her staff and the staff of the West Wing.

Looking around today, i see no mention of her quitting at all. Seems to be mostly about the ambitions of her staff (for themselves as well as for her) v the more experienced West-winger staff, and little to do with the President and Vice President. Was CNN right to state that? If not, it's another cause of 'confusion' and makes the admin look messier than it is. If it was right, where did that go? What changed???
Harris has received unflattering coverage in recent months and weeks, with a CNN story over the weekend reporting that the vice president is “struggling with a rocky relationship with some parts of the White House,” and that there’s “entrenched dysfunction and lack of focus” in her office. There was negative press during her third foreign trip, to Paris, with a Los Angeles Times column over the weekend calling her “the incredible disappearing vice president” — criticizing her absence from Washington as Congress passed the administration's infrastructure bill.

Psaki jumped to Harris’ defense on Twitter on Sunday, posting that the vice president is a “vital partner” to President Joe Biden, who has taken on “important challenges facing the country,” from voting rights to the crisis at the border.

And those around her remain wary of even hinting at future political ambitions, with Biden's team highly attuned to signs of disloyalty, particularly from the vice president.
She's a heartbeat away from the presidency now. She could be just a year away from launching a presidential campaign of her own, given doubts throughout the political world that Biden will actually go through with a reelection bid in 2024, something he's pledged to do publicly and privately. Or she'll be a critical validator in three years for a President trying to get the country to reelect him to serve until he's 86.
The only people who watch CNN are people stuck in airports. They have no choice but their exposure is temporary.
i've noticed something similar going on with 'pbs newshour'. i thought it was just me until a friend mentioned it.
The Swiftboating has had an affect when it was used before. That's why they use it.

The American electorate is fickle and pretty shallow.
I'm a news junkie and watch all the major outlets.

CNN has two stories: Covid and Trump. The filler stories are whatever the DNC wants them to say.

Fox is just as bad in the other direction. There is no unbiased outlet on tv.

I also watch Euronews and CBC but I don't know enough about their politics to say if they have a bias or not.
i've noticed something similar going on with 'pbs newshour'. i thought it was just me until a friend mentioned it.

The Swiftboating has had an affect when it was used before. That's why they use it.

The American electorate is fickle and pretty shallow.

now it's their job to hold all accountable equally, and report the news as it hits, hold the heels of politiicians to the fire in the name of truth and clarity BUT there's definitely an anti-Biden slant to a lot of the reporting and opinions that appear (to me) more heavy-handed than warranted.

Biden and the (D)eez doing so bad even CNN has to acknowledge it, doesn't make them moderate. AT ALL.

It just means ya'll are so sensitive and partisan anything that isn't an absolute boot and or ass lick of the left offends you no matter how factual it might be.
The leftist MSM is running scared. First it was Sandmann and now it's Rittenhouse who's going to own their asses because they let their ideology overtake what little intelligence they have.

Anyone else notice that Al Sharpton didn't show up anywhere last night with his race baiting schtick? (Except on TV, and even then he was really careful in what he had to say about the verdict.) Or any of the other usual suspects on that circuit?

They're scared because they know they're exposed and liable.
The leftist MSM is running scared. First it was Sandmann and now it's Rittenhouse who's going to own their asses because they let their ideology overtake what little intelligence they have.

Anyone else notice that Al Sharpton didn't show up anywhere last night with his race baiting schtick? (Except on TV, and even then he was really careful in what he had to say about the verdict.) Or any of the other usual suspects on that circuit?

They're scared because they know they're exposed and liable.

The Babylon Bee had a story that said Kyle Rittenhouse and Nick Sandmann were going to share custody of CNN.
Yep CNN is forced by financial reality to lurch towards the truth. Which sends Butters in to paroxysms.
i've noticed something similar going on with 'pbs newshour'. i thought it was just me until a friend mentioned it.
it might be something to do with trying to be 'more inclusive' in order to get facts out to a wider audience, but they need to make sure their facts are just that. I've not seen any other coverage on that snippet the female host gave out about Kamala's office having made it official that she's resigning, and nothing to suggest this is so though (of course) i've not seen everything. Nor have i seen any walkback of that claim. It needs to be confirmed or retracted, publicly. If there's been a change of mind on behalf of the V.P, the public needs to know that, too...confidence in her ability and commitment are vital. Vacillation on her part would be disturbing, and it just smacks of poor journalism or a covering up of a story of interest. In all honesty, i'm more inclined to think one of her 'disgruntled' staff might have passed that information on, expecting it might happen but then it didn't... whether that was their wishful thinking or backstage discussions between herself and Pres.B. I don't believe (as of now) that the Vice President was about to chuck in the towel, but that seed of doubt was thrown out there as confirmed journalism. SO was the host right, or is there some undercurrent anti-Harris/Biden theme in favour of alternate candidates for their jobs?

The Swiftboating has had an affect when it was used before. That's why they use it.

The American electorate is fickle and pretty shallow.
what's your opinion, Keith, about the VP claim i heard? I wish i could recall which host it was and the name of the male politician she was interviewing who said he'd not heard that news released from her offices.
I'm a news junkie and watch all the major outlets.

CNN has two stories: Covid and Trump. The filler stories are whatever the DNC wants them to say.

Fox is just as bad in the other direction. There is no unbiased outlet on tv.

I also watch Euronews and CBC but I don't know enough about their politics to say if they have a bias or not.
odd, i've seen coverage of the trials, reporting on the atlanta 'accidental discharge' gun incident and its effects on the airport, coverage of the missing chinese woman tennis star, and that's just today.
odd, i've seen coverage of the trials, reporting on the atlanta 'accidental discharge' gun incident and its effects on the airport, coverage of the missing chinese woman tennis star, and that's just today.

Deplorables only see what they want to see. CNN is just as likely to sensationalize Democrat's mistakes as they are Republicans. Same goes for MSNBC. The only major network that was obviously schilling for one party over the other is Fox "News".

Fox "News" is just a propaganda outlet for Rupert Murdoch and his billionaire buddies.

People are fed up with the lack of leadership. CNN's (and other main stream sources) negativity reflects the reality of the country. Pull your head out of your asses and demand more
They all suck. We need something resembling The Fairness Doctrine. A difficult task with multi-media but at least Rachell Maddow and Tucker Carlson should have to run a banner indicating, opinion of the news, not news.
They're looking for drama at the White House. It sells. Getting offhanded comments from anonymous aides is not something new.

How many times did we hear about Pence and Trump at odds with each other?

I don't believe it's any worse than usual.
Deplorables only see what they want to see. CNN is just as likely to sensationalize Democrat's mistakes as they are Republicans. Same goes for MSNBC. The only major network that was obviously schilling for one party over the other is Fox "News".

Fox "News" is just a propaganda outlet for Rupert Murdoch and his billionaire buddies.


What's sad, is that Trump lovers like you never have anything to say. You Trumpers are all personal attack.