I Just Taught My Cat To Fetch


Rear Window
Sep 24, 2000
I have this mini hair scrunchie that he just loves to play with, so a little while ago I started playing with it and threw it down the hallway. He ran after it and I said, "bring it to me," and he did! Over and over and over again! I'm very impressed.
and I was just happy cause my cat comes when I call him... this is impressive. It may just give cats a good name ;)
My cat does that too! She fetches pine cones. I think she spent too much time with my dog growing up! hehehe

~ Rora :rose:
Tricks and cats! Now that's something.

My cat comes when I call her. Sometimes.

She follows us around the house like a puppy dog too when she's in the mood.

She also has to come tuck the kids in at night, and me. No one can go to bed without a visit from her. She's special :)
I have a cat that I raised from a baby (she was about 3 days old when I became her momma).

Anyway when she was old enough.. I trained her to fetch an empty cigarette pack or a crumpled up piece of paper.

I went on to teach her how to sit, sit up, shake and speak.

She shoulda been in show business.

Tn Vixen.. keep working with your kitty. Get some kitty treats and with a little time your cat will learn alot of neat tricks.
You can teach cats more than to the dogs if you put the time.

There is this cat circus in Moscow, and they are amazing!!!
I'm packing a box right now. Sometime tomorrow, you'll receive Aiko and Owen. Send em back well trained, Tamer of Kitties. :D
My cats

Three of them.

In a game of Family Feud of...

...them vs., oh, a vat of yak spittle I'd take the yak spit to win.


They're only awake 45 minutes a day and that 45 minutes they're so busy catching up.
nothing like a fetching pussy.....;)

Problem Child:
"Your pussy looks fetching tonight, Vix."

"Toss your cock this way and I'll fetch it alright."
Laurel said:
I'm packing a box right now. Sometime tomorrow, you'll receive Aiko and Owen. Send em back well trained, Tamer of Kitties. :D

(took a break to watch Survivor) And wouldn't you know? While I was watching it, I thought to myself... come PC, come... and he did he DID! hehe
Ginny said:
nothing like a fetching pussy.....;)

Problem Child:
"Your pussy looks fetching tonight, Vix."

"Toss your cock this way and I'll fetch it alright."

addendum to Vix:

"as long as your manballs smack me on the chin"

Purple Haze said:
Oh puhleeze would you guys get a room already...

YOU agreed to pay for the room, send us the keys and be naked upon our arrival with Rubyfruit in tow. Damn son, how many times do I have to remind you?
My first cat taught me how to play fetch. It has to be an aluminim foil candy wrapper of a certain brand rolled up in a little ball. He would drop it at my feet and stare at me until I'd pick it up and toss it for him. I'd wake up many mornings with the bed covered in foil balls. He wanted to play fetch during the night, and I didn't alway wake up for him!

One of my current cats plays fetch, too.
Fetching cats are not all that common. I have one, out of my 7 that will do it.

I am glad you realized your kitties potential to be cuter than other cats.
