I have no doubt we are headed to WWIII


Literotica Guru
Sep 9, 2013
I'm not so sure that the Middle East is truly the problem.

The Middle East I believe is just a chessboard being used by the real protagonist which are the US and Russia. I been trying to figure out why we should give a fuck about Syria. Turns out there are plans to run a pipeline through Syria to supply Europe which I believe America wants to control. Why else would France be so hot to bomb Syria? When did France start giving a fuck?

This whole fucked up situation is fishy. Obama has yet to show us his concrete proof that Assad is behind the gas as he claims it is classified. Many who are privy to the alleged evidence are not 100% satisfied.

Everything is about oil. All the war and fighting is about oil and keeping the US dollar as the world currency standard. Once it is no longer the standard I believe our economy will take a giant shit to the likes we cannot imagine as we are hemorrhaging more money than we are making. The manipulation of our dollars by the feds has finally caught up and I expect within 2 years or less a total meltdown.

This is just my opinion. Fuck I hope I'm wrong.

Either this or I'm going with the Obama is the anti-Christ theory. :rolleyes: