I have an interview!!


Literotica Guru
Aug 13, 2000
Go me!

I'll be doing basically the same thing I did at the hellhole I just quit, except that this is customer service for a landline business phone service. I'll be making like $12/hour.

YaY!!! :D :D :D
Congratulations and good luck. Just don't be like the person I recently interviewed who showed up 15 minutes late, ran in the door, didn't say hello, and exclaimed, "Can we do this really fast because I'm illegally parked!" True story. I'll let you guess whether I hired this person.
lickerish said:
Go me!

I'll be doing basically the same thing I did at the hellhole I just quit, except that this is customer service for a landline business phone service. I'll be making like $12/hour.

YaY!!! :D :D :D

I will be interviewing you. Be prepared to talk about your online life.

Seriously, congrats and good luck.
Terrific News! Terrific av!

I was just thinking about you & wondering if you found anything a couple of hours ago.
Good gawd.. talk about a good (albeit long) day. I took my niece to the doctor today (2 year old, swallowed a possible penny, choking, me= heart attack... kid ok.) but I missed a phone call. Another temp agency called to see if I was interested in interviewing for them as they have several clerical positions they have in mind for me.

I told them, "to be honest, I have an interview lined up tomorrow, but if it doesn't work out I'd let you (them) know" The chick sounded disappointed.. that feels great knowing you're wanted. :)

Thanks for the support guys, hopefully I'll be outta your hair by Monday :p Much longer with this at home 24/7 crap and I'd be making everyone lattes and singing Kumbaya(sp?) around the cyber campfire wearing a bathrobe and rollers. :D
Bathrobe and rollers.......wooooooohooooooooo

Good luck Licky....crossing fingers and toes and eyes.......:p
I thought it was great... *shrugs* but then again.. I only have me to compare it to ;)

I got my DSL hooked up last night.. :p
Bitch. :p I can't get DSL in my complex. :(

I started smoking again dammit.. stay clean for me. :D
I wish you well...just be yourself..look around...make sure its not another hell hole...or at least a better one!
lickerish said:

Thanks for the support guys, hopefully I'll be outta your hair by Monday :p

And to think I've been trying this long to get you near me enough to get you wrapped up in my hair. :D

Congrats on the interview babe. I just know you'll get the right job for you.
