I have a TENS unit, Now what?


Really Really Experienced
Jan 1, 2010
I tried searching and I seem to be stuck on stupid because nothing came up. I got our Tens unit, it is an LG Pro Elite or something like that. It has two channels, with one positive and one negative wire per channel and it can do TENS or EMS. It has a bunch of different waveform settings and such.

So, first question, can I give Sir an orgasm with this thing? Second, he has lower back pain. I don't know what the muscles are called, but I know where they are. Is there a website that shows placement for non-erotic muscle stimulation and how to use the settings. Lastly, is there anything erotic I can do to myself with this? Since Sir doesn't know I have this yet he has technically not forbidden me to play with it for sexual pleasure ;). I have a short window of time before I know he won't let me use is for anything other than non-erotic purposes. It will probably end up at his house anyway.

Definitely need to work on your searching ability grasshopper. ;)

I found a site that specializes in the erotic part of having one of those things, has links to all sorts of things so read away. I only skimmed it fast but it promises to have a link to a forums where people who do play with it are at. Take everything with a grain of salt and then have the settings lower than they say until you know how it works. :cattail:

Oh yeah and the link --> http://blog.erostek.com/2009/10/30/guide-to-e-stim/

Probably best to explore the whole site, that link is what i got on a fast search and it's really the only one that looked to give you what you want. There was a wiki that came up as well but go with the link. :eek:
Definitely need to work on your searching ability grasshopper. ;)

I found a site that specializes in the erotic part of having one of those things, has links to all sorts of things so read away. I only skimmed it fast but it promises to have a link to a forums where people who do play with it are at. Take everything with a grain of salt and then have the settings lower than they say until you know how it works. :cattail:

Oh yeah and the link --> http://blog.erostek.com/2009/10/30/guide-to-e-stim/

Probably best to explore the whole site, that link is what i got on a fast search and it's really the only one that looked to give you what you want. There was a wiki that came up as well but go with the link. :eek:

Ohhh this is good stuff! The title of the thread got my attention. We got one for play, but we don't play anymore. It's recently been repurposed for (irony) my post-op shoulder. Maybe I can re-re-purpose it!
Oh man!

You can make a person tell you anything you want to know with a Tens unit.

Be careful with it and keep away from the heart area!
Echo the advice to be careful. In answer to the orgasm question - it's possible, but it might take a little bit of working up to, a little bit of patience.

I know I've managed to have orgasms with one. Placement was on the cock itself, one at the tip and one at the base. I've heard one at the tip and one on perineum is good as well.

Read up, stay safe, and experiment to see what you like. TENS units are great, and well worth playing with.
For erotic electro stimulation check out www dot smartstim dot com. You have to sign up, but you can do so for free. If you post the specs of your TENS unit (manufacturer & model, etc) there's friendly folks there who will give you a lot of very useful advice. There's a BDSM subforum too ...
Well, I showed Sir the Tens unit last night, I was planning to unveil it Friday night but if you saw my other post, you know how that went. Sir was underwhelmed. He let me try it on him for a while. It did make him dribble lots and lots of precum, but he does that when he sees an attractive women, he is a vritable sperm geyser. The only thing he liked was it set on straight Tens at 60Hz and 50 volts. He liked that on his balls while I blew him. He put it on me in various places and cranked it up to kill. I'm not sure how I feel about it as a torture device for yours truly. I'm afraid it will be put away for a while :(.