I have a cluster of freckles on my left ankle...


Oct 9, 2001
...that only come out when I've had some sun.

Do you have any distinguishing marks?
I have a large ugly scar up my right thigh. :(

Oh and I freckle badly.. my mother use to joke and play connect the dots when I was very young. lol
Rubyfruit said:
...that only come out when I've had some sun.

Do you have any distinguishing marks?

I have a mark over my eyebrow, and one next to my navel. That's about it - they don't come and go, however.
My body is as flawless as a marble Aphrodite.

*haughty gaze*
I have a birthmark that looks like 666 on the back of my neck that I cover with makeup so no one can see it.
Gee, I dunno Ruby. I think you should come examine me and find out.
I have a scar on the left side of nose at the bottom from being smacked in the face by a tetter totter when I was about 3 comes out when I am tanned up or if you look reallyyyyyy close :nana:
Pyper said:
My body is as flawless as a marble Aphrodite.

*haughty gaze*

:D .

I wish I could lie and say that about myself. I have some weird looking blotches on the back of my left arm that look like bruises. They fade then come back for no reason and I have to constantly explain that I didn't do anything to my arm. It didn't happen until I was grown, though, which is wierd.

Oh, not that I'm saying you're lying, Pyper. I don't want to wither under that haughty gaze.

I have freckles across my shoulders and arms.... and a triangle shaped patch of freckles over my left knee.. and a few moles on my neck... and one on my right breast...

Thats the whole inventory... :)
perky_baby said:
I have a birthmark that looks like 666 on the back of my neck that I cover with makeup so no one can see it.

lol. I sometimes wonder if my brother has that mark somewhere on his body.
I have quite a scar from my Penile Reduction surgery. Lost a bunch of blood, too. But I am doing much better now. Thanks.
Blackbich said:
lol. I sometimes wonder if my brother has that mark somewhere on his body.

and st. pete, those were my teeth, sorry.
My shoulders and back really freckle up in the summer time quite a contrast to the very white spots on my back where I got burned pretty bad a couple of years ago (splashed with hot aluminum at work).I also have several moles all over.
Marks eh?

I got a nick on my left cheek from an argument with a knife, and a scar on the back of my neck from some shrapnel.
Holy crap, Crappie! That must've hurt like a muthafukka!!
I also have a scar in the shape of a pair of pants on my heart.
Blackbich said:

Oh, not that I'm saying you're lying, Pyper. I don't want to wither under that haughty gaze.


Okay, so I'm lying. :D

Other than the unremarkable freckles and scars here and there, the only distinguishing mark I have is a large circular scar on my knee from when I fell off my bike as a kid and landed so hard on a rock that it jammed itself into my skin. It sort of looks like a smallpox scar...except on my knee.
Nora said:
Holy crap, Crappie! That must've hurt like a muthafukka!!

Yeah, what she said.

I was gonna say that, really I was?

I have numerous surgical scars and 4 or 5 moles that have popped up on the insides of my thighs over the past 2 years. I forgot about those.
perky_baby said:
I have a birthmark that looks like 666 on the back of my neck that I cover with makeup so no one can see it.

Damn . Every time I learn a piece of your life story, it sounds more operatic. I guess that birthmark "justified" a lot of dicipline.
SaintPeter said:
I have quite a scar from my Penile Reduction surgery. Lost a bunch of blood, too. But I am doing much better now. Thanks.

And I begged you not to get that done.
patient1 said:
Damn . Every time I learn a piece of your life story, it sounds more operatic. I guess that birthmark "justified" a lot of dicipline.
