I have a cluster of freckles on my left ankle...

Well, it is finger lickin' good.

Btw, how brave and generous you are for donating part of your organ to help so many unfortunates! ;)
Agent99 said:
Well, it is finger lickin' good.

Btw, how brave and generous you are for donating part of your organ to help so many unfortunates! ;)

I am all about helping.
Let me help you with those fingers.
Agent99 said:

Oh, and I have a teeny scar above my eyebrow attained while using a mattress as a trampoline when I was 5 years old and hitting my head on the night table when I fell down.

My son has that exact same scar, 99, but he got his, for the same reason, at age 2.

Are you saying I'm... uh... slow or sumpin'? :)

Saint(s) Peter preserve us. You have a choice of thighs, breasts or pupick.
This thread is so cracking me up.
I have taken a mental inventory of my 'marks' and I have a lot.
I was such the tomboy growing up, only girl in small town and so had to do everything that everyone else did.
Rubyfruit said:
...that only come out when I've had some sun.

Do you have any distinguishing marks?
You mean besides being a foot taller than most other people? :D

I have a number of scars on my foot from when it was crushed by my motorcycle, and the surgical scars from where they cut it open to reconstruct it - these scars are fading as it has been some years, but I can still make out the stiches. I wish I had bought a disposable camera and taken a pic of it while still in the cast - I used to gross people out with all the pins coming out of my toes. :p
Rubyfruit said:
...that only come out when I've had some sun.

Do you have any distinguishing marks?

I have plenty-
I have a freckle on the tip of my big toe, a cute little birthmark on my hipbone, freckle on the inside of my pinkie and 4 tats in distinguishing places.
I have a scythe shaped scar on the tip of my left ring finger.
Agent99 said:
And I also have a Mickey Mouse shaped birthmark on my right buttock that Disney officials are most interested in.
Trademark/copyright infringement?
I would love list distingushing marks but figured just list two would be enough to identify the body.

1) both legs have scars that wrap around just above ankle, tangled with barb wire fench it won.

2)roughly 10 peices of metal in left arm just enough to set off metal detectors.
Freckles all over the place, especially my face.

Various surgical scars from head to toe

Small scar above my top lip (right side) from a dog bite.
The Heretic said:
Trademark/copyright infringement?
Licensing rights. The question is do they just want to promote my ass in a wholesome way or make me their newest ride?

Either way, I stand to profit from it. ;)
Agent99 said:
Licensing rights. The question is do they just want to promote my ass in a wholesome way or make me their newest ride?

Either way, I stand to profit from it. ;)

Talk about long lines. Geeeze.