I deserve an award for what I just did. Jesus Christ!


stuff & junk
Dec 24, 2001
This is the last time I play the nice older sister. My sister’s sick and was prescribed mineral oil for the next 4 months. I, being the nice older sister that I am, offered to take some right along with her. Jesus Christ! That shit is disgusting! How? What? Why? Why would you have to do that? God I still have that taste in my mouth. Someone said “oh eat a cracker it’ll chase the nasty taste away.” Like hell it did. I could even keep it in my mouth.
Imagine drinking cooking oil. *shudder*
J.B. said:
This is the last time I play the nice older sister. My sister’s sick and was prescribed mineral oil for the next 4 months. I, being the nice older sister that I am, offered to take some right along with her. Jesus Christ! That shit is disgusting! How? What? Why? Why would you have to do that? God I still have that taste in my mouth. Someone said “oh eat a cracker it’ll chase the nasty taste away.” Like hell it did. I could even keep it in my mouth.
Imagine drinking cooking oil. *shudder*

lol... i'm gonna be honest, when i first read "prescibed mineral oil"... i thought... the big "E"...

be lucky you didn't offer to take it up the other end!

I think I would have prefered that. have you tasted that sh- junk?
I don't think the taste is ever going to get out of my mouth.

Oh LL it’s for digestion.
Luscious Lioness said:
castor oil is bad... very very very bad.

IF you can get through a whole bottle at one time, it is supposed to start labour tho.
J.B. said:

I think I would have prefered that. have you tasted that sh- junk?
I don't think the taste is ever going to get out of my mouth.

Oh LL it’s for digestion.

lol... no, i haven't... but i can can sypathize.

i think you deserve and nice big glass of... beer?... wine?... hard liquor?... ~*smiles*~ hell... all THREE!
Luscious Lioness said:
I didn't make it though the whole bottle but I gave it the best damn try ever... I didn't go into labor but by the time I did... I had the cleanest ass in Oklahoma!

LMAO...been there, done that. :)
bondagegurl said:
lol... no, i haven't... but i can can sypathize.

i think you deserve and nice big glass of... beer?... wine?... hard liquor?... ~*smiles*~ hell... all THREE!
Yes. This calls for tequila shots. I’m going to go get some.