I categorically refuse to refer to Sean Combs as "P. Diddy"


Nov 21, 2000
I was eating lunch with friends today, talking about the cops catching the sniper and the hostage situation in Moscow, and one of my friends said, "Hey, on a lighter note, I heard that Ben Affleck and J.Lo might be getting married."

"Affleck and who?" I asked.


"WHO?" I demanded.

My friend sighed. "Jennifer Lopez."

Exactly. Her name is Jennifer Lopez. Her corporate brand name is J.Lo. Hey, I'm as big a booster of capitalism as anyone. You want to market yourself and make a pile of cash, go ahead. But I am NOT going to play that game. I am not going to waste valuable brain cells by identifying a certain actress/singer/dancer/parfumieuse by TWO sets of nomenclature. Forget it.

Sean Combs wants us to call him P. Diddy. No way. I'm a grown man, and I am not going to refer to another grown man as "Diddy". Before P. Diddy he wanted to be known as Puff Daddy. No fucking way. I'm a mature adult, and there is no way I can refer to another adult as "Puff". Other than Mrs. Puff, Spongebob's driving teacher. And that's her given last name, so it's kosher.

"Wait a second," you might be saying. "Do you refer to Marshal Mathers as Eminem?" Not that I do it often, but, yes, I do. "Aha!" you might say. "Racism! It's OK for white guys to change names but not OK for African-Americans or Latinos!"

Not at all. I am perfectly willing to accept Ice-T's name, and Ice Cube's, and Chuck D's. I have no problem whatsoever calling Cassius Clay by his Muslim name, Muhammad Ali.

Why the inconsistency? Well, a lot of it is because "P.Diddy" sounds absolutely ridiculous. But I also chafe because they seem like corporate, media-friendly brand names. I abhor pre-planned corporate pseudo-spontaniety.

I can't say I have anything personal against Mr. Combs. Really not into his music, or that of his proteges. The New Yorker ran a long profile of his last month focusing mostly on his fashion career. I don't think I can pull off wearing Sean John (that's fine, it refers to the clothing line, not the man himself). Though I did like the suit he was wearing in the one picture in the profile, it was sort of the "Little Rascals" meets "New Jack City".

The J.Lo thing has spawned a whole mess of people now identifying themselves by this ridiculous construct. Watch SportsCenter and you'll see ESPN bootlick Stuart Scott referring to Chris Webber as "C-Webb" and Tracy McGrady as "T-Mac". Appalling. It must stop.

Back to Combs and Lopez. They were famously dating for awhile. Thank God they never had children. Can you imagine the PRESSURE on these kids? Let's see, Daddy is a singer/producer/fashion designer, Mommy is a singer/dancer/actress/fragrance designer. If those kids didn't have a Grammy, a runway show in Milan, and a Broadway opening before their 16th birthday they'd be considered slackers.

And why can't these folks content themselves with just being singers, or actors? Once upon a time an entertainer was considered a "triple-threat" if they could sing, dance, and act. Now that doesn't even get you a walk-though on Entertainment Tonight. You have to go into space, you have to design clothes, you have to open restaurants. I mean, it's an arms race. Are we going to see LeAnn Rimes designing the next Guggenheim museum? Will Justin Timberlake be the next Senate majority leader? Why can't these people just sing a little and make a movie or two and LEAVE US THE HELL ALONE!
Took the words

crappie master said:
I see no point in refering to him at all

Right outta my keyboard. Jeez, the crap that passes for talent these days...
I didn't think it would catch on but the guy is resilient, plus he invented the remix.
70/30 said:
I didn't think it would catch on but the guy is resilient, plus he invented the remix.

No the old amiga modders invented the remix.
Wow! And I thought I hated Puffy. Christo has proven to be way more passionate than me. I usually just say, "Fuck that idiot!"
christo said:
The J.Lo thing has spawned a whole mess of people now identifying themselves by this ridiculous construct. Watch SportsCenter and you'll see ESPN bootlick Stuart Scott referring to Chris Webber as "C-Webb" and Tracy McGrady as "T-Mac". Appalling. It must stop.
I'm thinking Alex Rodriguez as "A-Rod" predated both Webber/McGrady and Lopez.

I'll call her whatever I want to. Most often "DAMN!" :D

Let's see, Daddy is a singer/producer/fashion designer, Mommy is a singer/dancer/actress/fragrance designer.

Note whoever that they are fairly shallow in those fields. I haven't really seen anything special in Sean Comb's music to set him apart from any other hip-hop artist, and for the most part Jennifer Lopez makes the same poppy love tunes over and over. Neither contribute anything particularly deep to the field.

To be a little harder on poor Mz. Lopez for a second, her acting ability hasn't been that great for most of her career. As far as dancing is concerned, I don't think what she does takes any more God-given talent than that possessed by a decent stripper.
I had a hard enough calling him Puff Daddy. Now I just pretend he doesn't exist.
I guess I am in a crankier mood than I thought. I am not going to bother posting what I was thinking. Just piss people off.

In spirit I agree with you. But what difference does it make. If you want me to call you 'Living Room Carpet', I will, if we are friends. Okay?
Damn, I love you posting what you think

And for the record I dont think "Living Room Carpet" fits you.
Lol. Stupid cunt says she's not trying to market herself as her fashion brand name, but releases albums "J.LO" and the even worse "J to the Lo." Excuse me, I'm going to vomit until I pass out now.
