I Can't Seem to Get Motivated


Cautiously Optimistic
Apr 6, 2001
And I should be. I have company coming tomorrow, a trip on Saturday and here it is Thursday night and I have done little to prepare.

I think it's high time I kicked my ass in gear, I just have no desire.

I think it's because vaccuuming is coming up soon on the list. I hate vaccuuming.
I love it! I'll do that and you mop the kitchen. Ugh, I hate mopping.
I hate anything involving floors. I'll clean cabinets. I'll do dishes. I'll do laundry. I'll do anything. Hell, I'll clean the tub the toilet and all sinks. Just don't make me clean the floors.
Fuck yeah, I do.

I just realized I have even more to do tonight. Considering who my company is tomorrow night, I have to do all the nicety preparations (i.e. Magic) tonight.

This may prove stressful. :)
lavender said:

I have to do all the nicety preparations (i.e. Magic) tonight.

This may prove stressful. :)

Chey sez wait for the company for that one. Make it a party event.
I agree with Lavy, Magic the night before. Definitely a plus if you miscalculate the exact time needed.
Ok. No overnight guests. Just day time guests. I'm in the clear. :)
lavender said:
I think it's because vaccuuming is coming up soon on the list. I hate vaccuuming.

You have access to a cat now. Vaccuuming is always more fun with a cat around.
storm1969 said:
Chey sez wait for the company for that one. Make it a party event.

I don't think the guest was supposed to see the benefits of the Magic, I think the Magic was for the trip on Saturday.

But, Storm's advice is still correct. Take the Magic with you for the trip on Saturday, Lavy. :D