I cant believe this!!! Cathlics RIOT in England!!!! Who would believe?


Literotica Guru
Jul 28, 2002
The LUNACY is spreading.....

British Catholics Riot

Following the broadcast of a BBC documentary suggesting that Jesus may have been conceived as the result of an illicit affair or of Mary's rape by a Roman soldier, enraged British Catholics poured out of churches after evening mass, smashing store windows, overturning cars, and attacking anyone of Middle Eastern appearance. Electronics stores were particularly hard hit, as rampaging mobs vented their anger on the television sets and radios that broadcast the hated words of the BBC. Witnesses reported hearing a group of priests and nuns chanting, “The BBC must die! Down with their confused and unfounded guesswork!” as they decapitated a Pakistani BBC stringer with a rusty crucifix.

British police used tear gas and rubber bullets to subdue the rioters, arresting thousands of Catholics and a few opportunistic soccer hooligans. Local Christian leaders, however, are calling for the deaths of all BBC reporters involved in the documentary, and the Bishop of Portsmouth has promised that unless their demands are met, “This is going to be a red Christmas.” The producers have gone into hiding, reportedly in Canada
People got angry about something. Wow. That's never happened. Thank fucking God you're alerting us.

And, by the way, you've got a pirate symbol on the American flag. Didn't know if you realized that.
SatireWire's making up some crazy shit these days.

The key word, however, is satire.
Emeral I

1. Please see last line in my sig.

2. Dont Cath-lick Priests, LICK?

Thank You!

Re: Emeral I

busybody said:
1. Please see last line in my sig.

2. Dont Cath-lick Priests, LICK?

Thank You!


You forgot the k. It might have been funny with a k.

You're an idiot.
Where is the TOLERANCE?

The right to free speech?

To air differing views?

Where is te OUTRAGE for violence?

I would be glad to debate TOPICS and IDEAS with you.

You seem to like to attack ME......without debating the sum and substance of what I say.....


Have a MED_OGRE day

And dont let the IDIOT INSURANCE lapse
Re: PC

busybody said:
I would be glad to debate TOPICS and IDEAS with you.

You seem to like to attack ME......without debating the sum and substance of what I say.....


Have a MED_OGRE day

And dont let the IDIOT INSURANCE lapse

Everytime we "debate", I rip you a new ass. You never respond with anything above 3rd grade level. Three more arguments and there will be nothing left of you.

You're a racist fuckwit.

You're also a liar, and not bright enough to give sources when you C&P, so fuck off twice.

So you have NO PROBLEM with such behavior? Its OK to riot and threaten lives when one's senses are aggrevied?

I am a RACIST!

I believe that certain races are better than others.

I believe certain cultures are better than others.

I believe certain cultures/races are backward and evil and useless, that makes me a REALIST......some say RACIST....I say REALIST!
Re: PC

busybody said:
I am a RACIST!

I believe that certain are better than others.

I believe certain cultures are better than others.

I believe certain cultures/races are backward and evil and useless, that makes me a REALIST......some say RACIST....I say REALIST!

That's an interesting position for a jew. I hope you didn't lose any relatives in the camps. That would cement your legacy as a hypocrite, as well as a liar and idiot.
Re: Here is your LINK.....Schmucks

busybody said:

Ah, thank you!

Now, my position is:

1) people should have the right to make whatever documentary they want without fear of being attacked.

2) You edited that story and provided no link, which proves again you are a liar.

3) You are the biggest fucktard, racist, anal fissure in the western hemisphere. You should be duct-taped to a camel and have raw liver rammed up your ass by Iraqi bedouin sheepherders and left in the sun to burn. Small animals should bite your earlobes. Scorpions should mate in your mouth. The natives will urinate on your to wash you. This is your fate.
Last edited:

So PC, you are saying that the Africans are as good as the West/Whites?

That the Muslims are as good as the West/Whites?

I believe that the Jews have contributed MORE to civilization.....considering their small population......than ANY other race....I believe that JEWS are the Chosen People and BETTER than EVERYONE else......

My parents lost their WHOLE family in the camps.....They were ALL people of substance....it is wrong to kill people that contribute....

I could care less about the DEATH of useless people




Remember this one?

Jesus was a Capricorn
He ate organic food
He believed in love and peace
And never wore no shoes

Long hair, beard and sandles
And a funky bunch of friends
Reckon we'd just nail him up
If he came down again

'Cause everybody's gotta have somebody to look down on
Who they can feel better than at any time they please
Someone doin' somethin' dirty decent folks can frown on
If you can't find nobody else, then help yourself to me

Eggheads cussing rednecks cussing
Hippies for their hair
Others laugh at straights who laugh at
Freaks who laugh at squares

Some folks hate the Whites
Who hate the Blacks who hate the Klan
Most of us hate anything that
We don't understand

Kris Kristofferson

Busy, you are funny and fun to watch, you provocateer, you!