I Am Thinking That Someone Is Absolutely NUTS!!!


Cosmos Mariner
Aug 8, 2002
(1) What is this rampant explosion of people too lazy to register. Yes, some very kind ( "sweet" even) things have been said lately by "unregistered personae....It takes 5 seconds to register.... Just do it (Bloody Hell!!!)

(2) Some awful things have been said by "unregistered" persons. Registering would keep these things from being attributed to you.

(3) Get a damn life people. Really, all of you "LIT addicts" would be well served. No offense.... some of you need some serious medical/professional help....Maybe a job??? Could it hurt??

(4)What is up with Tom Daschele?? Is he on crack??

(5) Say what you will about the French...but the French Army rescued 100 American children in the Ivory Coast.

(6) Time to close the Rhein-Main Flughaven....and all US bases in Germany....

(7) Thanks to the Rt Hon Tony Blair.....UK Prime Minister and head of Her Majesty's Government. Our one true friend....

Have a great night.:)
#1 bite me. I am registared
#2 Im already registared
#3 Im a LIT addict like you
#4 Tom is an idiot
the rest doesnt interest me
LordLucan74 said:
(6) Time to close the Rhein-Main Flughaven....and all US bases in Germany....

Ass. You can't close the Flughafen. You think you know what you're talking about, but it's evident to me that you don't. Thanks for playing, but you don't even rate a lovely parting gift. Oops, watch yer ass on the way out. Cya.
Re: Re: I Am Thinking That Someone Is Absolutely NUTS!!!

April said:

Ass. You can't close the Flughafen. You think you know what you're talking about, but it's evident to me that you don't. Thanks for playing, but you don't even rate a lovely parting gift. Oops, watch yer ass on the way out. Cya.

Nice Trolls are not bad

Really they are just mis understood......

Like me for instance I am Naughty Not Nasty.

Doing the Naughty Dance.......
Re: Nice Trolls are not bad

Naughty Troll said:
Really they are just mis understood......

Like me for instance I am Naughty Not Nasty.

Doing the Naughty Dance.......
I devoted a whole thread to naughty n nice hee hee hee
Re: Re: I Am Thinking That Someone Is Absolutely NUTS!!!

April said:

Ass. You can't close the Flughafen. You think you know what you're talking about, but it's evident to me that you don't. Thanks for playing, but you don't even rate a lovely parting gift. Oops, watch yer ass on the way out. Cya.

It would be grand. But just remember, the next Balkan Crisis will be YOURS to solve....

No USA there to clean-up your backyard.....

Is The Bundewehr Ready???

attachment: Bundewehr "War Banner"
LordLucan74 said:
(1) What is this rampant explosion of people too lazy to register. Yes, some very kind ( "sweet" even) things have been said lately by "unregistered personae....It takes 5 seconds to register.... Just do it (Bloody Hell!!!)

(2) Some awful things have been said by "unregistered" persons. Registering would keep these things from being attributed to you.

(3) Get a damn life people. Really, all of you "LIT addicts" would be well served. No offense.... some of you need some serious medical/professional help....Maybe a job??? Could it hurt??

(4)What is up with Tom Daschele?? Is he on crack??

(5) Say what you will about the French...but the French Army rescued 100 American children in the Ivory Coast.

(6) Time to close the Rhein-Main Flughaven....and all US bases in Germany....

(7) Thanks to the Rt Hon Tony Blair.....UK Prime Minister and head of Her Majesty's Government. Our one true friend....

Have a great night.:)

Does anyone else see the pure irony in this post??

Thanks, LL.

I like a bit of irony in real life...
Re: Re: I Am Thinking That Someone Is Absolutely NUTS!!!

Eumenides said:

Does anyone else see the pure irony in this post??

Thanks, LL.

I like a bit of irony in real life...

don't use big words like "irony" with him..... he still thinks it's what he does with his shirts after they have been washed.
Re: Re: Nice Trolls are not bad

Oh well it may have seemed like a hint but it was not, sorry.....

Wrong Troll.

Unregistered said:

I devoted a whole thread to naughty n nice hee hee hee
I am nuts, I post here in my spare time or whilst I am working from home.
Sometimes unreg posts as unreg because they have something they feel they can't say under there own name. If you read back you will see there have been unreg posters who have asked for help or advice when they needed someone to listen to them.

Other times unreg has an ulterior motive, a bit of light hearted fun or to flame someone.

Note to self.

1.Hire a secretary to get me a life.

Apparently I don't have one.
I wonder if there are only sales at the moment.
Two for the price of one could be handy.
More arms, means I can carry more. Hmmmm and with my blonde brain combined with more brain power maybe I could figure out where the off switch is on my computer. :D
Re: Re: Nice Trolls are not bad

Unregistered said:

I devoted a whole thread to naughty n nice hee hee hee

"hee hee hee"....obviously someone who finds himself amusing while never getting the humor accross to the rest of the world. Quite sad, really......
First one that needs to get a life is you lord shit face.

Secondly you're nothing but a flippin English wannabe. Heaven help them, I don't even think THEY want you.

Thirdly one can only wonder what kind of life you must have considering all the posts and begging for peoples attention you do. And that's just in this site.

Fourthly you're nothing but a big mouthed piece of shit asswipe.

Have a nice evening.

Wow that felt good.
You really don't have a clue, do you?

Get your terms and locations correct before you go spouting off on things you know nothing about.
Re: Re: Re: Nice Trolls are not bad

LordLucan74 said:

"hee hee hee"....obviously someone who finds himself amusing while never getting the humor accross to the rest of the world. Quite sad, really......
lol, Gawd if you only knew who I was. Ill have to tease you about it later
Unregistered said:
First one that needs to get a life is you lord shit face.

Secondly you're nothing but a flippin English wannabe. Heaven help them, I don't even think THEY want you.

Thirdly one can only wonder what kind of life you must have considering all the posts and begging for peoples attention you do. And that's just in this site.

Fourthly you're nothing but a big mouthed piece of shit asswipe.

Have a nice evening.

Wow that felt good.
This wasnt me....the nice unreg.
hey hey hey, lay off people.... he can't help being a lame arse bastard.

by the way Lord Lunkhead, did you actually have to take lessons to be this lame, or does it just come naturally?
debbiexxx said:
I am nuts, I post here in my spare time or whilst I am working from home.
Sometimes unreg posts as unreg because they have something they feel they can't say under there own name. If you read back you will see there have been unreg posters who have asked for help or advice when they needed someone to listen to them.

Other times unreg has an ulterior motive, a bit of light hearted fun or to flame someone.

Note to self.

1.Hire a secretary to get me a life.

Apparently I don't have one.
I wonder if there are only sales at the moment.
Two for the price of one could be handy.
More arms, means I can carry more. Hmmmm and with my blonde brain combined with more brain power maybe I could figure out where the off switch is on my computer. :D

The unregistereds have left me with no recourse but to group them as one and respond accordingly: namely, viz:

The ungegistered person has verbally assaulted people.

They have tried to convince others it was me...even changing my words and quoting them and claiming them as his/her own...

Like me, they have issues with a web-goddess (name with-held)

YOU CAN ALWAYS TELL ME.... I am the Earl of Lucan and type as Lord Lucan 74 only....

Unregistereds are bloody cowards.... worse sorts of web recluses
LordLucan74 said:

The unregistereds have left me with no recourse but to group them as one and respond accordingly: namely, viz:

The ungegistered person has verbally assaulted people.

They have tried to convince others it was me...even changing my words and quoting them and claiming them as his/her own...

Like me, they have issues with a web-goddess (name with-held)

YOU CAN ALWAYS TELL ME.... I am the Earl of Lucan and type as Lord Lucan 74 only....

Unregistereds are bloody cowards.... worse sorts of web recluses
I have never verbally assulted anyong in my 4000+ posts.

A coward, no, but Im beginning to think you are jelous you dont have your own thread!!!
LordLucan74 said:

Unregistereds are bloody cowards.... worse sorts of web recluses

It's alzheimers, isn't it?

Poor man.

You so quickly forget that you admitted to being my unregistered bastard.

BTW, just because I like the fact that you are wrong...go to the second post here:

I said for the day, dumbass.