I Am The King Of Lit.com.....! I Repeat I Am The King Of These Forums....!!

You worry me.

These delusions you always have seem to be growing larger and grander every day.

Seek help. Immediately.
yayati said:
jb: ur a hater ...ur just jealous....i am the king here no one dares oppose me....! what i say goes b/c i am one of the longest serving members here and i have defeated everyone in slanging matches and loved by all the woman here and admired by men for my sheer confidence only someone with supreme confidence call pull it off....!


NOW do you see why I find you so fucking funny?
Yaya, ur pathetic. Some kind of king, you dodge any serious querries to your posts. I have the perfect use for your 'six paq'. Go wash my fucking clothes.
8ball said:
Yaya, ur pathetic. Some kind of king, you dodge any serious querries to your posts. I have the perfect use for your 'six paq'. Go wash my fucking clothes.

hehe ;)

He is interesting isn't he? Very amusing for me today, for some odd reason.
mytasteislikecandy said:
I think everyone else has him on ignore. We seem to be the only ones responding. ;) Or maybe we're just dumb. :D

Taste! -perving-
Ahem, sorry. I've been picking on yaya alot today for some reason. I can only describe it like this; You have a pimple, you ignore it, hoping it will go away. Then, it creeps up to just below the surface, ya know, the kind that start to hurt? Anyways, you keep on ignoring it, because you know that if you mess with it, it's gonna look nasty! Finally, it could be that you just absentmindedly started to pick at it or you just gave in, too late, irregardless, now it's just a festering eye sore and now you are going after it with over whelming force, damn the consequences!

Does that make any sense?
8ball said:
Taste! -perving-
Ahem, sorry. I've been picking on yaya alot today for some reason. I can only describe it like this; You have a pimple, you ignore it, hoping it will go away. Then, it creeps up to just below the surface, ya know, the kind that start to hurt? Anyways, you keep on ignoring it, because you know that if you mess with it, it's gonna look nasty! Finally, it could be that you just absentmindedly started to pick at it or you just gave in, too late, irregardless, now it's just a festering eye sore and now you are going after it with over whelming force, damn the consequences!

Does that make any sense?

Perving huh? It's ok ;) Go for it.

And yes, that definitely makes sense. He's so easy too, tho. So that just makes it better and harder to resist.
Just Pet as your official spanker I will fight for your sovereignity! Down with the imposter!
Sexy_lawyer03 said:
Just Pet as your official spanker I will fight for your sovereignity! Down with the imposter!

Thank you, Sexy
But I think this is one imposter I prefer not to go down on

Carry on with the spanking:kiss:
guilty pleasure said:
Yaya, am i a hater 2?

I don't think so, but, that AV looks like Groucho Marx is trying to take over Audrey's body. ;)